Feb 16, 2023


 Feb 16, 2023

     Another day for doctor appointments, which means another long drive. Today we talked about the ex-roommate and their "cleaning habits" and stuff like that. I had been going through pictures from my phone and came across some of her room. Now, let's start with EVERYONE in my house is disabled in some form or another. Only myself is currently not classified as such through the state or government. You already know my issues; hubby has a lot of physical issues, which make it so that he is not supposed to be doing much around the house. He is also on meds that make him tired and you never know when he will pass out. The kid, on the other hand, has mental disabilities that make it hard for them to function in real-world society. Even in the household. The ex-roommate, like myself, had a bit of both. 

     Now they were allowed to live in our home, but they had 0 issues with not helping with any cleaning. They could not even clean their own room. They were aware when they moved in they were going to live in the upstairs living room with curtains to close it off. They were going to pay for the materials to build a wall. (This never happened, we finally paid for the materials when they moved out) I would have to go up and clean their room periodically. I was not being paid for any of this. 

     They lived on their computer but could not even put trash in the trash can. Recently when the kid was cleaning the kitchen out, they found stains in the drawers from where the ex-roommate would cook stuff and then strain it in their creamer. After they moved, the cleaning we had to do on the floor was unreal. It just makes you realize why you don't want to help people out. You would think if someone moves in with you bcs, they are having a hard time they would respect you and your property, but in this case, No. Just like others, I was being controlled. 

     I am glad they are gone. Our household is peaceful again. I am working on fixing both things financially and emotionally the damage I did to my family with all these people. And this is just one of many people you will hear about over my time here. And, there is so much this person did to us. But I am learning the signs of being controlled and not allowing it any longer. 


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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