Feb 11, 2023


 Feb 11, 2023

     Today was a day. This morning I set up a sale for a TV of mine. And I got caught up almost in a scam. The person wanted to send me the money on Zelle. Now being a person who has not used Zelle often, I am not familiar with the rules. So I stupidly agreed. Also, being half asleep did not help. He sends the money, and it comes back with some weird thing about being limited. I was so confused. So he sent another 275 and got pushy for me to send it back to him. At least, this is where I smartened up. I reported him for a scam and blocked him bcs he kept pushing me repeatedly. 

     Three or four hours later, someone asked if they could pick it up tomorrow and asked how they could pay in advance for it. Well, I have a business Paypal, so figured that way. So gave him that. I see no money in the Paypal but again, an email. The funny thing about this email, there was no email it was blank. Dude forgot to fill it out lolol. But it was something like Paypal@aol.com. Went back and told him yeah, almost had someone try this good day and reported him for a scam too. 
     Thanks to that, though, my head went wonky. And for many, many hours, I was not thinking straight. My family took a trip to De. And on the way home, I made a few too many mistakes driving. Some of which could have caused more issues. So I was told to pull over into a WaWa. Which I did. And they told me what they were thinking was going on, then I did what I am good at -.- breaking down and telling them what I think is the real issue, and yeah, once that was done, I could drive normally again. 
     BUT....... That led me to this.... remember how an ex-friend (Majorie) who knew I gave up smoking nicotine 3 years ago, and yet BCS she got addicted to it from blunts and tried everything to get me to get addicted again. She was talking about how nicotine helps with the mind (there are no facts about this). She got me to buy all these Vapors and liquids and convinced me (remember, I am an ex-addict with high addictive personality traits) I should get one too, just get one with no nic. But then she was pushing me to use her 3mg nic on days I needed a "mellow" day. She had me leave ALL of them with me bcs she did not trust herself. 
     My old man was amazing through it all. He kept his foot down and told me NO to nic. Now you would think that is "controlling," but remember, I have mental issues, so sometimes he has to take control and has the authority to do so. I will explain that one soon enough. 
     Now Majorie is both addicted to nicotine and pot. She will tell everyone that pot is for medical reasons. And if she used it ONLY for that, I would believe it... But most people who only want it for medical reasons don't go around talking about how much of a pothead they are. So I wish her luck. But I am NOT GOING back down the road of nicotine .... I did it for 25 years it eats up to much money. 


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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