Warning: Future entries will disclose many details of my past, including people of my past. I will not name the people specifically, but when it is read, if you know me or the situation, you may know who I am talking about.
I would say I am sorry, but this is/was my life, and I know that many of these people have talked about me in FULL name, both REAL and/or VIRTUAL. I will give the courtesy to NOT say the name REAL/VIRTUAL.
Many people will have opinions on what I write. I may hurt people. I may anger people. I may do damage to current relationships. But I have had enough on my mind that I am choosing to do this. This will include videos and pics. Both Real and Virtual.
Names are Fictitious. Any resemblance to people you may know is purely coincidental. As I stated, this is based on MY life.
Enjoy the Ride!
Love Chaotic Rose
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