Aug 20, 2023


     Aug 20, 2023
When I write about the current people consider my nightmares, they are the ones from the past 2 years. there have been many in the past. But these are what have changed me and how I do and see things now. I use to just “deal” with it. I knew no better. BTW I talk about this next person bcs of the massive effect she had on me. This wasn't virtually, this was my reality. 
     But there is one. when you have one that threatens your life, ruins your credit, and tell blame you for it all. Tell you “Well I gave you my money.” I talk about this one so much because she made the biggest impact on the changes I made in my life. And how I do not trust people the way I use to. That is true, she did give me her check, all the while having me buy weed for her, thousands of dollars (yes I have the transactions), along with what she was supposed to be paying monthly in rent, phone, etc, let's not forget, I would get her food stamps too, and deduct that off what she owed BUT never once charged her for any food bought in the house. So it was like she was giving me her check and food stamps and she was eating free. Then you have personal needs that need to be paid for. Along with her massive wants. All that I have receipts to. Was worse at the apartment. The list of wants/ needs. And all the bills are in my name. So she can say over and over “I gave her my check”, I gave her virtual currency, I gave her, etc… I have records of every linden and cent given to me. Virtual currencies are broken down into RL currencies. I never once scammed her, conned her, or anything. She even had the forms so she could keep up with it all. She ever had a question she could ask. I would let her know monthly how high her bill was. And get told “Don’t worry I will pay you all back” lol 
     Got me to even take out a loan to get her friend down her and all that. I know I am an idiot. I use to call her my kitten. Once I believed she was sad, and frail, and people misunderstood her. I was like so many others that thought “She has mental illnesses, she just needs a little help.” Well, let me tell you, she isn’t a housecat. She is more like a Leopard. She hunts her prey. She knows who is vulnerable. Who will buy into her ideas, her past alliements, and everything else to try and make it “better” for her. Sad too, she would talk about how my hubby would “trigger” her. Why did she even move in with us? Oh, it was to use us. She saw things were going decently. I would convince him she just needed to get help but she would get better. I think she always thought he wanted her. When he didn't. With how many times she tried to destroy us in the past he never understood why I kept allowing her back. She thinks that she is all that and a bag of chips. Lol. She might have had the boobs and butt I liked (keep in mind i said I like not hubby) but she sure as hell didn't have the personality. 
     I was looking up something the other day and instead discovered that I probably was a victim of Narcissistic Victim syndrome. Are you asking me do I think she is a Narcissist, Oh yeah. She claims to have bpd and other things, but personally, I think she needs to be checked for narcissistic behavioral traits as well. It is a mental illness as well. She can start blaming that one next. She already blames how she is on all her mental illness, along with actions that happened to her when she was younger. For those I get why you have some attitude, but there are so many other people that have gone thru it too and don't act like her. If fact I personally know people who have gone thru what she says she has gone through, and they don't do what she does. When does someone actually take accountability for their own actions? I guess it got her this far. Blaming everyone else. So many times she had me believing that it was my fault. One minute she was wanting me to buy all this weed for the “pain” then she said I put her in debt. She went into those places with my card. She always knew how much she was spending. We would talk about it monthly how much she needed and how much she needed to make to make it happen. Lol. But not in her head bcs she can do no wrong. 
     What I don't understand is, she wasn't my lover. My husband never wanted her part of our relationship. Truly, I did not either. I wasn't in love with her. But I bought into everything she sold. That’s why I called her “kitten”. I saw her as a lost kitten needing help. The big bad bullies always misunderstand her. And now in her book, I'm one of them big bad bullies. Lol. Even though I am in debt, have my PTSD out the roof bcs of her threats of murder, and more. But I am the bad bully because I did not protect her. I did not spend more money on her. She wanted my life but was triggered by my husband. Lol. Umm, its all a package deal. Oh, I forgot, she wanted out of my house and into an apartment that she STILL had us paying for. Like really she isn’t innocent in any of this. It was her way or the highway. She finds victims and runs them to the ground. Till they learn. Then the virtual pages call her out over and over about the fact she does the same thing repeatedly. Using the “I was triggered”. When will that line get old? We are ALL triggered by something. That doesn’t mean we become monsters and create havoc because we can.
     Will I ever be able to move on from what she did? I'm sure I will but, right now I can’t. The fact is she threatened us. She contacted APS on us. And they were called a second time, pretty sure it was her or someone she knows. She used my identity to steal from a rental place and lied to the cops saying “I gave them permission”. She even told them I was in the hospital when they showed up to deliver it. Funny too bcs if they looked at the copy of my ID they would have seen it was out of date. She tried to say I stole a laptop. The laptop was sent in her name but was bought with someone else credit, which I paid for the laptop. ALL 18 payments. She never paid anything. Also, she signed a legal contract with me stating the laptop was a rental. So I took it back, from the apartment that has MY name on it, that I have proof I paid for that month, along with all the bills. When they moved from the apartment they stole a lot of my property because I was not allowed back at that apartment after Halloween bcs of the threats. So she stole a lot of my property on top of it, like a ladder, walker, ice maker. And more. Oh, and the rest of the items on the rental form. But I am a bad person, Right?
     Narcissistic all the way. Passive aggressive, gaslighting people, scapegoating, all manipulations I never saw. Almost 50, and I let a 30-something-year-old get the better of me. And she will haunt me. I know she loves the fact she haunts me. She may say she doesn’t and say all kinds of things about what I do. But the fact she got one over on me for over a year. And she ruined the credit that I worked so hard on. You know she loves it. I know another one she used, and I got to finally talk to them. Found out the truth about that situation. I really should have contacted that person way before. But I did not. There will be more pages on her. Like how we met, and how she nearly destroyed my marriage in the beginning. So she can talk all she wants about what I did to her family home or her. But she was never there. She is full of shit. And if you have pictures, where are they? Oh is that like the pics I have of her room that she left in a trash hell before she went on vacation and I got forced to clean it all up? Which pissed her off bcs I did not do it while she was there. She never cleaned up after herself. She isn’t as disabled as she tries to make people think. Her mental problem is laziness. Oh, btw not saying I am the best at cleaning up. I have my moods, But when the ASPCA people show up unannounced and tell us how good litter boxes look and how healthy cats look, and how they can’t smell “feces”, yeah. But this was never supposed to be a battle of she said/ she said …
I remember the stuff she said before she was blocked and banned, things I would get told way back that have popped into my head. 
     This is why I hate my mind sometimes lol
    Till next time….

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Aug 11, 2023


 Aug 11, 2023

    I am really, my own worse nightmare. Let me explain. Through both paid therapy and just overthinking things, I realize no one can do to me what I don't allow. I let all these people in. Now granted. They are my nightmares and always will be. they did what they did. But it always started with me. Ok, Ok, I am taking too much credit. They did manipulate and all that and I bought into it but just read on and let me explain more.      

     When these people come into my life, granted I have 0 clue who they are, what they are about, or what they may/may not do. But once I know I know I need to make the choices on if I will get away or what I will do. Right? This will go on all throughout the “first round” they are around. But after they are gone the first time, why do I allow them back. Hubby said it is because I have issues with letting people go. I can see that. I always had issues with that even way back when. But If I have let them go, like Joyce for instance, why do I let them back. Because they “say” they change. Why am I not making them prove it? These are things I am learning more and more now. And it took so many years to get here. And so much abuse. I use to say I am not a masochist but now I wonder. (Nah, I  still didn't enjoy the mental pain, -.-) Bcs I repeat a lot of the same actions. Allowed the same people back over and over. Insanity - repeating the same thing expecting a different result. And yet the person has never proven they actually changed while they were away from you. They still blame everyone else for their problems. They didn't change, and I definitely did not change and they knew it that’s how they were able to do what they did. Which is again why I said I am my biggest nightmare.      

     I learned with some, but not many. And boy have I learned now. As everyone I have and will be writing about is not part of my life any longer. And will not be allowed back. There are still some people in my life that still do some stupid things, but they are so determinantal that they are removable. But I watch. I will not end up in the same cycles I have been in so many times. If fact lately I have been getting smarter after having more conversations with my therapist, and I spend less time on the computer. More time with the family or simply myself. Watching TV and sleeping. Hey, it's good for losing weight. You don't snack when you sleep lol. So people have been worried as I haven’t been around as much. For a week I pretty much just slept or watched TV with hubby. It was so weird. But good. Even my family thought I was going through depression. I didn't tell anyone that it was a “requirement” for me to be away in front of the computer. I wanted to see if I could do it on my own without help. Just do it, and I did. Or course bcs I wasn't used to it I did sleep a lot, so I get why they were worried I was depressed. But this week Hubby was told more and explained that it was a test to see if I could be away from the computer. It felt good.     Back to the nightmares. Being away from the computer has given me so much time to also think about it all. And the whys. Why did I give all these people so many chances? Why did I allow them in my head, my heart, my family both real life and virtual? Why did I allow them back in after they were gone? Why did some of them I never kick out and believe “they just need help”? So many whys, and yet there will never be an answer to any of them. Well maybe.  Guess if I think about it long enough and each person enough I could figure it out. But do I want to? I write these blogs so I can get my thoughts out at the time I am thinking of them, and maybe if I have enough at the end of it all write a book called “She is My Nightmare”. Funny they are all females I allowed to do this t me over the past few years. Lol. Guess that is bcs I am happy with my Hubby and did not need another man in my life. Don’t think that was always the case. Up till I met hubby there were TONS of guys that were my nightmare. Originally when I was going to write the blog, before the title came to my head I had a list of alias that went back to my 20s of people I knew. Lol, I was going to write about everyone. And still may. But this one recently take up so much of my mind bcs of the recent history. I mean death threats, threats of my house being burnt to the ground, fake suicide attempts, a fake stroke, being told we “groomed” someone that had more influence right there in her own yard. Like, come on now. I have enough from these last few years that my mind is overloaded enough.      

     But again the ADD got ahead and goes on a tangent. The reason I say I am my own worse nightmare is some of these people had more than one chance. Why? I knew what they were about? Why did I give them more than 1 chance? Why did I not say no get out. And be done with them after the first or second time. One of them in particular. I never even dated her. The biggest con of them all and I bought into it all. And in the end, I just said “I wanted to help her bcs her mom did so much for us”. That was her mom, not her. She tried to ruin us multiple times. She tried to ruin my RL family multiple times. She attacked my virtual family. And always blamed her mental illness. I even bought into her “getting help”. I look back on it now and realized she didn't want to get the help she got. She was forced. Which means she learned nothing. But at the time I heard “was hospitalized” and thought “Oh got help’. Kinda like my ex-girlfriend who also was hospitalized. Yet she had set while in the Hopi patrol and had a pregnancy scare. REALLY? That is totally getting help. But at the time all that went over my head and I heard it but didn't absorb any of it. So many things I didn't absorb. I believe she was put in the hospital twice, not of her own free will as well. Once for sure. And yet again, I just heard “She got help”. OMG, I was so dumb. The stuff I was buying with a $3 bill. I mean they are just as fake as the help these people were getting.      

     Ok, ok. You are going to say I don't know what they really got I am not in their shoes. you are right. But I know from an outsider what I saw when I was both on the inside and the outside of it. Looking back on convos that were had. Remembering what was said. Remembering what was done. Someone only gets as much help from something as they WANT to get. Like I get tons of help from my therapy sessions. Maybe not as much as I should have in the beginning bcs I still got into a lot of these messes but I sure as hell am getting a lot of help now. I am happy about where I am. Except for one thing. And that is why I still am writing and in therapy.     

     Well except one thing. I still blame myself for Marjorie. The biggest of all the mistakes. The one that was both RL and virtual. The one that conned/ scammed us out of so much money that my credit is bad now. Because half of that went on my and hubby's credit report. The apartment, I will not pay. It can stay on the credit. Bcs if that is paid then Violet will have a positive for herself, and I just can’t do that yet. Since they lived in the apartment. I'm stuck paying the rest, I need to take it all to court, but that’s for another day. Back to what I was saying, I still blame myself for that one. I should have had her out of our life multiple times. I wanted to always believe she got help. There is so much on this one. She tries to say we did stuff to her mom's place, but yet when we talked to them on multiple occasions things were fine. As for her mom, I will always be grateful to her family and hold no ill-will towards them. They are not at fault for what she does. I put myself in the position I did when I allowed her into our home. Whatever will fit her bill when she needs it to be fit. But then again that is what narcissists do. 

     I write these blogs as they help me get out what is in my head, and maybe it will help someone to not end up in a trap when they see something. There is so many types of nightmares. Some are born this way. Some are made this way by what happens to them. Either way. If you know you are one, and you say you are "getting help" over and over, when does it become true, or false. When people around the world comment on the same thing saying "We have heard/ seen this before when "triggers" but it doesn't change" ... Is a trigger BCS you are not getting your way? Bcs looking back that is what happened, I couldn't spend any more money. Now I was at fault for some things. I warned people about her around us. I would be told "It wasn't my right" but whose right is it. lol, Amazing what you learn in the end. 

     Narrisistic and user behavior. Two key components most of my nightmares had between them. But like I said, I blame myself for many of the things. Not all bcs I don't make them users. I just allowed them to use me without stopping them sooner.  But it is ok, I would rather be without "friends" than have ones like them. And since I am so bad and seeing the signs, staying in a bubble and just doing school or playing games is a much better option for me at this point. At least I am not lying to myself or everyone around me anymore like so many I know. 

Till next time.... 

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Aug 10, 2023 Part 2 of 2 - Joyce


     Aug 10, 2023
Part 2 of Joyce:
     As I left off she left Feb 2020. There was 0 contact from here for over a year. Jerome passed in 2021. Months later after he passed, bubbles started speaking to her. I went to some event they both were at, and she wrote me. She gave me her condolences bcs she knew we were close. (I am refraining from any comments about this as he has passed and it's not about him.) I thanked her. She proceeded to talk to me. I mean she is in my (now ex) daughter's pack. So I choose to move past it all and get along. (Really when will I learn.) We started to get close again. But as that is happening things are falling apart for her in the pack. I should have seen it. She and the [ex] daughter are both very manipulative people and the type that it is their way or the highway. And the the [ex] daughter owes the pack so she was going to win this. So there was a lot of he said/ she said going on. All over another member that was lieged to Joyce apparently caused issues. But it just got so bad. So it came down to me was forced by “thy queen” lol to choose her or Joyce. Well, I am a firm believer you make me choose, I ain’t choosing you. So, out the door, I went and found out she took a lot of my convos with her and altered them to share them with members of the pack to make me look even worse. But I didn’t expect different. Is what it is. So I moved things around and I ended up with Joyce as a kid again, and we got her in my brothers and sister in laws pack in the virtual world. 
     So now I have her for a little over a year and it was a roller coaster. The beginning shows how much she “changed”. Being so helpful with me and the business. It was running full-time anymore, I only had a few people I worked with because of covid. She would help with names and avies. In turn, I would help her. She had learned so much, she actually taught them some that I hadn’t taught them yet. So she did a lot of things on her own unless she was boarded and didn't want to. Which I got. I had no issues with that. It gets boring at times doing things. She would stay in constant communication with me. I didn't even see how she seemed to be taking over a lot of my life. Started learning this by the end of the next year in 2022. But going back. While she was in their pack she would help with achievements, and she ended up hooking up with one of the guys in there. He was a piece. I won't say half what I am thinking, just he is a piece of work. They even talked about RL, but she there was so many issues between the two, I could not see how it would ever work. But anyway.
     Towards the end of her time there, because I wasn't around much I started hearing a lot of things I didn’t want to hear. It was on both sides too theirs and hers. Like she started complaining about my sister in laws wedding, yet she pretty much pushed her way into being the photographer. She thought it was taking too long to take all the pics and stuff. I ended up taking the last of the pics, which I was fine with it. I even took one pic from the beginning and did a mirror pic of it. Came out really good. They would talk about when she was the teacher and how she was being a bully to people who were just trying to have fun. Even though she knew that this is how the clan was. That no one is overly serious. She would kick people bcs she was made people would put stuff up on the chalkboards and all that. Of course, she complained about them all being so rowdy and how she couldn’t teach the anything, etc. It just goes on and on. It’s been a year or so since she left/ got kicked out so I don't remember the full details but apparently, there was a fight between her and a member where she got called names and they would apologize or something. And her bf stood up to them and it was a huge mess or something, but in the end, they were gone and she made her own pack. Much better idea. (She couldn’t come back to ours she had already been told).
     So now she is determined to show them all that she is better than them all. For that will be costly it is not my prob, just time for me if she ropes me in. Lol. But anyways, bcs I don't talk to my brother and sister-in-law that often I really didn't get a lot from them until much later. I wish I had spoken to them sooner, but knowing me, who knows if I would have done anything bcs I always believe in the wrong people, every time. So a few months go by and now she is fighting with her boyfriend. And she is trying to pull everyone in to be on “her side” This isn’t hard Noon really likes him bcs of his views anyways. She gets me to listen to a convo between them, and record it, where he admits to cheating on her with another girl by using toys through an app and cam sex. (Now remember the two of them were suppose to be real life, and that is taking things RL when you use an app and canning, in my opinion.) So that really blew up. by the way, she found out from the girl, who happened to be her virtual sister! Again, keep it in the virtual family! Lol. That was so wrong of me. He swears it's over and blah blah but yeah she doesn't believe him so she drops him and we then all become part of her pity party train. The one where she starts to divide who will be “loyal” to her and who won't. When I look back on it now I see it so clearly. She starts teasing people. Who is going to say what to who about whom, and in what order? So she knows where the lines should start to divide. And I was so damn oblivious to it all. Well, one of the girls in the ground was a casualty, happened to be a long-time friend of one of the other girls. She never did figure out why she got the “boot”, just suddenly ended up at the end of a fight she had no clue about. Didn’t know how to defend herself, nothing. And Joyce found a way to make most people believe that she was the villain and that she needed to be removed. I personally didn't know her well enough so it made me no mind at the time. I would figure it out more later. So this went on till she got her circle down to what she wanted it to be. Which at the time was very small. 
     The one she had her hooks on the most was poor Ray Ray. She really did a number on that girl. Pulled her from one bad family to herself, and yeah. It was bad. She was the sister of the first victim of the last ordeal. Ray had no idea what to do or believe. I am not in her head, so I'm not going to play a guessing game to her thoughts. Only speak about what she told me or what I saw. So anyways, after Joyce booted her ex and the people she was going to, and she attacked who she was going to, it was down to pretty much me, Ray, and her for the most part with a few here and there. But that was the bulk of us most of the time working on the game within the virtual world we are in. Joyce was still determined to be the best and prove a point to the others she claimed put her down and stuff. So we all worked hard on her pack. Get her numbers up and build her up where we could. She was involved with one of the guys in the clan, and that was bad news bcs he had a partner himself. She knew this. She claimed he made promises and tons of other things. Now is when things start getting bad again.
     He makes so many promises that he doesn’t keep that her mental state is either really deteriorating or she is a hell of an actress. She makes all kinds of threats and stuff to pull him back in. She went as far as to show up at his partner's club and got busted. Where the partner processed to tell her they were RL partners. She filled it out. Supposedly he claimed she was living and other stuff. It was a mess. This whole time she is bringing me and Ray into this mess. Ray bcs she is in the same country and the guy, me well I guess a sounding board and I bought into it all. I kept telling her she needed to leave him alone that he was just living to her and that this was not going to turn out well…. 
     Now I don't know if I mentioned, she is physically disabled. She has nursed. The odds of her doing much without being seen are slim. Well, one night she sent him and Ray a picture of a “cut” wrist. Ray freaked out and sent it to me, Hubby looked it up in and 15 seconds found it to be a deviant art pic of wax art someone made. Then she tried to tell me she ran her wheelchair OFF the side of the railing, and yet supposedly they let her out of the hospital the next day. Well, I went against my own rule about alts. I usually never tell people about others' alts but bcs of the actions she is doing and pulling everyone down with her, I told them about an alt of hers that she used to lie to people. That set another fireball in motion. Then supposedly I told him some shit, which I have proof I didn't so she got mad and banned me haha.
     At the time I was upset, but now I see it was the best thing ever. Either he had her computer set up to see everything she told people, bcs she told me what it was I supposedly told him. Or yeah just another manipulation tactic. She even got Ray to change her last name and everything and then dropped her the very next day. What a piece. Ray took some time away from the virtual world and came back and rejoined our family and seems to be happy. So I am glad about that.  But most important, Joyce is gone and will never be allowed back. To fake suicide to get attention. That is sad and desperate. Rumor is that she ended up getting screwed badly by that guy bcs she bought him a computer a phone and other stuff. But not my problem. Oh, that does remind me she bought Ray some stuff that I paid her half the cost and she never even told Ray I paid her … LIKE what the hell… But Ray has been told since. Just another nightmare for the books that will never be allowed back, ever. 
     Till next time....

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Aug 9, 2023 Part 1 of 2 - Joyce


Aug 9, 2023  
   Let’s talk about one that is mostly virtual, but partially reality. She lives close to me, but we never met her in RL. She said it is bcs her parents are overprotective of her bcs she is physically disabled. As far as we know not mentally just physically. She goes to school and even works for the school to earn income. She is in her 30’s. She is an ex-daughter in the virtual world. Her name is Joyce. She was brought to us thru Bubbles from another pack years ago. She had a lot of the same ambitions for the game BL we had in the virtual world. She wanted to learn everything she could in BL. And I love to teach. So I was in heaven. To find out I again trust too much. 
     Approx mid-2019, they left the pack and joined us. As I stated before I told Bubbles would happen. And immediately Bubbles and her man became my kids. Whereas the other 2 took some time. I was fine with this, not like they knew us well. Hubby was still in the world at the time. So I took Joyce in under my wing. What I found out was Joyce and Snickerdoodle did NOT get along. Joyce even put pressure on Bubbles about Snicker joining the pack too. Bcs originally she wasn't going to. There was a lot of chaos around it. It was insane. In the end, Snicker did join under Bubbles, pissing off Joyce. So there was the first fight with them in the pack. We finally get everything to slow down and chill. Joyce starts helping with and in the blood bank. From draining to making avows, from huddling to dropping. She wanted to learn it all. And I thought she was being helpful so me being me, i taught it all. The tricks, shortcuts, etc.
      During this time she gets with a “friend” and has them help make a name. Didn’t know she also had them making names for her and them on the side. For their own stuff, I wouldn’t have had an issue with but they were looking for customers. They were trying to undermine me to start their own BB, even had a name for it and everything. Even a group in the world for it. I was shocked. It was just like WOW. She apologized and blamed her friend. (Little did I know) and her friend deleted me along with others bcs they all thought me and her were so close that I believed her 1000%, which I didn’t. But they didn't want to hear it after what she had done to them. And they didn't want to hear it from me. So I just gave up like I am so used to. 
     Found out they ended up having a fight with her really bad. She owned a club too that they worked at and the whole lot of them quit. Screening her up badly. So she had to find new peeps. I ended up introducing her to a couple of my friends from another pact, bcs I was the mother to the queen of the pack there. I had taken the girls all to an event of there’s, and it seemed like it worked out good. She got a few people to start working for her from there. Which was great for the club. This seemed to be looking up now. She was only working for me and working for her club. 
     But the next thing I know she hooks up with the one person I told her to please not to. Anyone but him. The reason I did not want him with her was he had already been with a virtual ex-daughter and a virtual sister of mine which at the time she was a daughter and it caused a lot of issues in the family. And he was supposed to be my virtual brother. Now I get they are all NOT REAL LIFE. But damn there are thousands of people out there who stay in the family and if you do, why have a title like a brother. But low and behold it was him she got Jerome. (I knew this was going to be bad). He is very controlling. Loved him to pieces, but only as a brother. I knew what he was like in a relationship. He wanted it his way. Which is funny since Joyce is the same way. So this should be interesting. They went from living on my sim to moving off (she had been on my sim paying costs since she joined me), to not even visiting much, to her not working with me anymore. Piece by piece. Keep in mind I don't blame him for it all bcs I know her too. 
     Well, I had her soul in BL and she had always promised me she would never move it. I should know how promises in a virtual world work, but I trusted. And low and behold late Feb here come Jerome asking me for her souls. I was just stunned. Because she couldn’t even contact me and give me a heads-up. He just showed up on my sim after they got everything moved and asked for it. He didn't care. It was his “property” When later asked she said she didn't want to but she didn't have a choice, he told her he was going to take it regardless which is why she didn't contact me. Well, I can’t ask him bcs he died in 2021. Not that I think I would have talked to him again anyways. 
     Next thing I know she gets into another fight with Snicker and uses it to get a liege out. So someone got with Layla and she lodged to her (supposedly temporarily) till things can “calm down. (I’m dumb for believing that one). Then randomly Jerome lieged to her, telling me that she was never coming back. He never wanted to be in the same pack as hubby as he had an ego and always wanted to prove he was bigger and badder than hubby and hubby wasn't willing to play the ego game. Now, my best friend passed away end of Jan. We were holding his memorial on Feb 29, 2020. And on that day, I got a message from her with a lot of crap and then kicked from all her groups. 30 mins before the memorial was set to start. So everything was changed and just went to hell. Like are you kidding, she knew about the memorial from earlier in the week and you are going to do this to us. You really have to be the coldest ad most heartless person around.   Just amazes me what people will do, say, and act like. The worse part. She was allowed back 18 months later bcs she “apologized, blamed Jerome, and acted as if she changed” more on that next time….
     Till next time….

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WARNING - July 25, 2023



July 25, 2023
WARNING-  So today I will talk about literally the worse day of my life. The day hell came down and caused the biggest chaos anyone could ever have. I will give you a backstory as to why it got that far, you may agree with what I did, but you may not. That is up to you. But regardless of whether you do or not, what she did was inexcusable. There will be some GRAPHIC details. Not as graphic as she sent, but still. This is the day that caused us to have to go to court and do some other things. So here we go. 
   First off all of this is over, CATS! 1 that I was willing to let go, the other I was not… Here is why:
Aug/Sept ‘21 Marjorie was moving from 1 state to another but couldn’t take her cats bcs where she was moving; they were allergic to “haired” cats and only had sphinxes. So we agreed to “babysit” the youngest of her 2 (who is a Siamese boy), and the oldest (15 yr old girl) went to a friend of hers upstate. When she brought the cats from the one state they had harnesses on them, BOTH CATS… (Remember this towards the end). The whole drive up there was hell! Halfway up, I said we would just keep them both, but she insisted our friend would keep the oldest one, and there would be no issues. We did all the driving (no gas was offered as she was broke). She agreed to pay us $100 monthly for the 1 cat to watch him. We dropped the oldest off finally, still issues even when we got there, but we were told it should be fine, and we headed home. Within a day Violet came in to help her get a plane to go to the new state she was moving to.
   TWO WEEKS LATER, I got a call that I have to go upstate and get the older cat now bcs her “friend” can no longer watch her -.-. Are you kidding me? Explain to me again why we didn’t just keep her in the first place when you knew in your heart this was going to happen. And yes she told us she had a bad feeling this was going to happen. So another hour or more drive up to get the cat and back. So we agreed to $150-200 a month. (I went with a safe bet of $150). I got my money in Sept. So I questioned her. I got lots of excuses like the Dom of Violet had her money, the Dom was supposed to send it, etc. Finally, I was asked how was the EXACT amount I spend on them in Sept, I said $98.76. The rest of the 150 was supposed to be for care. I got sent $98.76. -.- . And told that is all that the Dom was willing to send. ) I did talk to the Dom recently and found out facts but anyways). I Got nothing for Oct or Nov, and then she moved out of there end of Nov and in with us around Thanksgiving. Now comes Satan herself. 
   While she lived here I added pet care to her running tally every month … she said to add $250 bcs I did the food, clean up, liter, and overall care. The oldest lived/stayed downstairs. No matter what I tried to do to get her to go upstairs and be part of Majorie’s life again, it wouldn’t work. We used the excuse bcs my kid has a female cat that didn’t like her older female cat, so that is why she didn’t want to be upstairs. But deep down we know that is not true and ill explain that in a sec. Bcs her younger cat was fighting with our cats…. I BOUGHT him some of those shirts to calm him down and it worked. He started getting used to her again and would spend hours with her. Which I think is great she is supposed to have one for “therapy” reasons. 
   As the months go on, she spends more on weed than she does on bills, including the cats she claims are her “babies”. She barely works in the virtual world like she “Claimed” she does. She had all these dreams I bought into. I bought so much for a business that was never going to go anywhere. And she got all the resources from it. But constantly it was “I need” or “I want”. And I was stupid. I thought getting the weed would help with her pain, now I know it was just to get her “higher” and probably had nothing to do with her pains. If those were real. I’m not in here body so no one knows if they are. And what she is diagnosed with is the one thing that drs will diagnose people with when they can not find a root cause of the issue. SO truly now, I don’t know if anything she has said is true bcs she bragged about the fact she knew how to get her ex-bf on disability. So her mental and physical could or could not be real. But that isn’t what this is about, the fact is she said she was in pain so I believed it and got her more weed. Which put us deep down and I didn’t realize it. She would work some so she was giving me some money but I wasn’t keeping track like I had been. 
   At some point, I brought her downstairs so she could rekindle her relationship with the oldest but that didn’t work. Her oldest had picked me. All she could do was be on her computer and ignore the cat. Yet sat how much she loved her. She never even took a pic with her but she did with the youngest. She still barely worked. Her smoking weed wasn’t as bad, but now she has gotten into smoking nicotine. She blamed the nic on the blunts her ex would give her and said it was bc they had nic in them. Just another excuse. Talked me into getting nic cartridges. So we got some vapes, but I wouldn’t get nicotine ones I got no nic. She kept trying to convince Hubby and me that the 3mg nic would help me concentrate better again….. ummm. It was just one thing after another … trying this one then that one. Till she finally found one she wanted. So now she is addicted to nic and weed O,o
   She knew things were getting bad and we needed help so she talked us into letting her friend move in. We could get her friend on as a caregiver for the kid or Hubby or even her, and that would be extra income. Bcs all 3 are on disability. Her friend came down, and I warned her friend about her randomness. But her friend told her and that caused a blowup from hell… so when she got back from her “vacation” (that she said was a business trip), she started looking for an apartment. By now the husband wants her out. So we take her to look at the apartment. It can’t be decided if the friend is moving with her or staying with us. Just a mess. Finally, it was decided she would move with her (big mistake). 
   They found an apartment. A one bedroom. Her friend paid part of the down payment, the rest of course came from us. And it was our name on the lease. Yes, we were fools but it was that or put them out on the streets bcs they already tried her mom's and brothers' names. From the beginning, Marjorie complained about her friend all the time. Her friend even got a job. So now things are about to get even worse. Bcs we have our own house and bills, and then their places all they have for income is what her friend is making in retail and her disability. 
   So I stupidly again agree to help move ANOTHER friend down here, which I explained how that went in the last blog. That cost me a lot. The amount of hotels/motels and food and bullshit was unreal. But I agreed to this bcs it's supposed to give them 3 people in the home. We even went to a 2 bedroom. (DUMB). Which was like 300-400 more. I was assured that bcs that Violet had a car they could do some grub hub and crap too for extra money. OMG I AM GULLIBLE.
   So they move down here, and the tension in the 1 bedroom, till the 2 was ready, was insane! But they only have like a week to wait maybe 2. Finally, they get in the 2 bedrooms and of course, they put the first friend in the dining room (like in the 1 bedroom), Violet in the big room, and Marjorie in the smaller room. So now everyone is moved in and they still can’t quit bitching about their first friend. But the deal was we do the 2 bedroom bcs there were 3 of them. Well, she took Violet's dogs out and they went ballistic. And Marjorie threatened to hurt her and told her she needed to get out etc. so they gave her a week (but Marjorie gave her the weekend. She called her mom and got a ticket back home. I went there and got the monitor she was paying for (it was a 300$ monitor and they weren’t paying for anything else I knew they wouldn’t pay for that) and the computer she left behind. She took the added drive out of it which was smart. If I had known what was going to happen I would have taken more. Anyways,
   It is now Sept. This is going to be bad. They both only have a disability how the hell are they going to pay anything? I kept asking Violet when was she going to start working and she kept saying something about insurance or some shit. All thru sept they did nothing but use my money bcs their money went to mostly weed. BTW I have ALL the records of every bill that was paid and every weed order I went to. Not ones they went to. Any money I was given etc. I even filed taxes on it ALL. So I have exact amounts. To the penny. Moving on. 
   Coming Oct, I just couldn't do it anymore we are becoming broke. No extra funds anywhere. So I told them NO MORE! Well, Marjorie wasn’t having that. God forbid I stop spending my money on her. She had not signed the paperwork to have me be her PAID caregiver. She had not done any of the required steps, neither had Violet. So I am not being paid to be the caregiver. The SSI money I am getting from them is not covering anything. And they keep wanting to spend on weed and more things. It was just too much at this point. Now keep this in mind. Mentally I have a lot of issues myself. At the time I was going to therapy every Thrus at 4p. She knew this. And every Thurs she would call me or text me with another issue, so I would go to therapy frazzled and having more issues. Or she would do it when I got home. But it was always on a Thurs. Without fail, this started in Sept and continued throughout Oct. 
   Oct 6 She was making my life hell bcs I paid rent but I would not buy any weed or pay for anything else. Told her starting in Nov I wasn’t even paying for rent. They would have to figure it out. She kicked the 3rd person out of the house. They needed to find a 3rd person and not use my money to get the 3rd person down here either. I was done. I had done enough. Oct 13, she sent me a message on Discord and told me she knew it was my therapy day and she was going to fuck up EVERY Thrus bcs I was a piece of crap in her eyes. And she didn’t care. She proceeded to call me mental, bash my diagnosis (bps, age regression mostly), and yet she claims to have BDP and other ones (I would be cruel to say she is faking but since she has bragged about knowing how to get on disability and that she “helped” her ex-boyfriend get on disability with things he didn’t have, has to make you wonder).
   Then comes the fateful week starting Wend 19th. Violet called and said she was going to pick up the cats on Thurs. I said no. I have therapy on Thrus, Marjorie KNOWS THIS, and she has purposely screwed up every week to be vindictive. He asked why can’t come after. I said no. It’s Thurs, and it is the one day I refuse to deal with anything it can be done on Friday. So they called the cops on me, who told them it was a domestic dispute and Marjorie would have to sue in a Vivian case, this, of course, was after the cop called me. He wasn't very friendly and called the cats “property”. Then comes the hell of all hell day the 20th of Oct, Thurs. Before we were set to leave (kind of good they did it before bcs we had to call in bcs of this) I first get a call from Violet asking again to pick up the cats, I told her she could have the youngest but I was given the oldest bcs I had been caring for her and bcs we had a bond. That we had a deal as long as I gave her ashes, I was allowed to keep her. But that she could pick up the youngest tomorrow. Well, that set off a stream of events that would change everything. 
   Marjorie “went unhinged”. That is her favorite saying. She proceeded to call, text via phone, and text via Discord. On the phone, she went off saying she contacted every government agency and reported me for abuse, neglect, extortion, and fraud. Which btw she did call ASPCA and report my dog and her nails, contacted Adult Protection Services and told them Hubby was so disabled he couldn’t get out of bed, contacted the police and said that I committed credit card fraud bcs I put her name on my CC’s ( but she lost that one bcs it was my CCs she was only with user and she knew I had done it. I never opened an account in her name). She also claimed she never asked me to spend my money on her but I have tons of messages showing she did and where she said she would pay us back. She tried to say I extorted her and I never put her money where she told me to, but I have all the records of everything she spent and where she spent it. BTW she had a copy of ALL the records too so she knew how much she owed and where including the moves. She claims I abandoned her, but I guess that is bcs I stopped paying for her. But I'm sorry she is in her 30s and she is NOT my girlfriend when does she start owning up to her shit? She called me a horrible mother and caregiver and said everything was my fault. Claimed she has paper trails. LOL. Really? So do I since I have the bank statements, store receipts, etc. In this, she said one scary thing “If I can’t have her no one can”. She talked about having pics of my home? That’s funny, I also have pics of her room and what it looked like when she LEFT to go to her buddies for a “business” trip that wasn't a business trip but a way to waste more of my money. And then pics of what it looked like after I cleaned it. Yup still got them. Oh, keep in mind she never paid a cent for the animals but claimed she did. Never fed them, never gave them water, never did their litter boxes. Never did her room. I would have to go up there once a month to clean it. And I was NOT being paid to be a caregiver bcs she would NOT do the paperwork. She talked about how her EX therapist from over a year earlier knows I created her as a monster. That’s funny bcs anyone who knows her to date will tell you differently. It went on and on and on on text from there. But she didn’t stop. She hit the Voicemail next.   On Vm it was simple she just said she will have a police officer escort her over to get the cats and she called APS and reported me for neglect, abuse, discrimination, extortion, and plain being a bitch. Her words are on my voicemail. So to get f over myself for life is to be hard and to give her her children. The next message was her telling me this was not funny. All this still is on Thurs btw. She blew up Discord with a lot of the same stuff. But what changed was when she got into the virtual world and used an alt to send me a message with graphic details 
*warning graphic* 
     She said she was going to kill me and my family, feed us to our cats up to our eyes, then burn our house down. 
*End*    (ok you might not that that is "graphic" but some, including myself do.

   To say the least, I saw that and called the cops and filed a report. She hit me up on even STEAM. Once the officer got in touch with me and I made copies of everything she told me to quickly block her. Bcs once you block all messages disappear. So I gyazo everything as quickly as I could so that I wouldn’t have to read anymore as she kept writing when I copied the last line I hit the block. When I did that she went and found bubbles on steam and told her she knew people in her area that she could have come to her place. So she did the same thing quickly blocked after getting the last message. It was like a race of the clock. She then posted on Facebook a lot of shit about us with our RL name and sent me a picture of it to my alts in the world thru her alt. She was relentless. Finally Sunday Violet came and just got both cats. I was done. Months later I got told the oldest is in bad shape but I'm not shocked. I’m sure I was told that to get more money from them. But I will never give them a dime. I will care for her if I own her. But she isn’t mine, so as far as I am concerned she is already dead.    So in the court system right now she has terroristic threats misdemeanor 1 and harassment on her. She was given a plea deal that if she completes the charges will be dropped to just harassment misdemeanor 3 I think. It’s been since Jan that she was giving the deal, 3 months to complete, but every month since April there has been an extension. Found out in April they stole my identity in Jan, so fighting it now too.    
   They are the worse hell couple. Oh and did taxes in April. They officially owe me under USD 29k per IRS. This includes the eviction fees, electricity, cable, phone, the move, and the other bills. OF course, there is so much more, but that is the jist of the fateful day. She can tell people what she wants about me. I have the records of amounts, I have convos, i have all the proof i need. But most important, there is so many other people she has done this to, maybe not to this extreme and if she has to this extreme no one has tried to proscute her which is sad. The DA was glad I did BCS it will be on her record now. More people need to go after her and show her she cant abuse people like that. And she can not keep using her "mental" illnesses as excuses. I have them and i don't use them as an excuse to do harm. So if you know who I am talking about, feel free to contact me. :)   And hell even if you don't and you have had something like this happen to you.
     Till next time ....

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June 25, 2023 - Violet


June 25, 2023

     I think the one that hurts me the most about the hell couple is Violet, the bestie. Helping her move here, keeping her on my Walmart to make it easier on her, thinking I was helping with her food stamps but having my identity stolen instead, and other things are the reason why. Let me explain. 
     I first met her the year before. And I felt for her. So when Marjorie was moving to the state she was at with her, I sent both of them (at the time, Violet was a girl) Stuffed Animals from Squishables. They liked the ones I had hanging. I even asked Violets Dom at the time if she was allowed it. And she approved. So I sent a cow to Marjorie and aUndercover Corgi in Elephant for Violet. Violet claimed that they had hardly any stuffies bcs they were forced to throw them all out by their dom in the past. So I was happy to see that it was allowed. 
     Three months later, Marjorie was back and moving in with us. Fast forward almost a year, and I am being asked by Marjorie, who is in the new apartment if I will help bring Violet down here to move in with her. I agree, thinking that if Violet moves in, that is another income, and they will have three, so they will not need me anymore. That will be a good thing bcs I no longer have it to help. Little did I know what I was in for. 
     So to start, we needed to get Violet on the lease. (at this point, I believe Violet is working towards being a male). So a lot of back and forth on that. I had planned to go up to get him bcs I knew I could drive back with him, and we could share the driving. It wouldn't take us long to get back either. Wouldnt needs hotels bcs one could sleep while the other drove. BUT Marjorie wasn't going to have that. She kept bugging over and over, even before the apartment agreed to allow Violet on the lease. She just HAD to go out there and "help" him pack. After bugging repeatedly, I gave in. I knew in my heart it would be a bad idea bcs she did not have a license and thus could not drive. So how was this going to work? But little did I know that was their plan to off MORE money from me.      
     So, got her sent off with my card. They get on the road after a day or so and head to get some sphinxes that Violet had put a down payment on. They had half the money. But needed the other half; again was dumb and believed i would be paid back. I loaned them the other half. BTW they were barely on the road when they “suddenly” needed to stop again. Like, are you kidding me? But they said it was bcs they were waiting on the other half of the money. So they got a motel for the night. The next day they went and got the cats, but almost half the day was over before they got on the road again, so again, they were only on the road a few hours before they stopped. Now keep this in mind. They are not stopping at rest stops; they want motels or hotels. So they get a motel for the night. The next day they get on the road. This goes on for 7 days!!!!! Most nights cost $150-$180. There were a few closer to $100. But I had to listen to Marjorie bitch about how bad it was and how she couldn’t sleep. And when Violet tried to “nap” in the car, it was even worse bcs she had “nothing to do but deal with 2 dogs and 3 cats, and she was uncomfortable. It was nonstop complaining. This was why I wanted to go and NOT send her. Now this bill by the time they FINALLY make it home, with meals/ gas/ cats/ etc, is over $5k USD. I get told repeatedly, “We will pay you back.”      
     BTW, the reason I did all this is BCS. I was supposed to be Marjorie's caregiver and going to be Violet. The paperwork was in to get paid to Marjorie by the state. She just had to finish up a couple of things. Then we talked about me becoming Violets when she came down here. Doing that would help tremendously. Yus, I was the fool to believe that any of this was true and that in essence, I was just being used.  
     Now apartment time. The first month in the apartment. I have paid the move fees to move them from the 1 bedroom that Majorie had with another friend. We helped her move down here to a 2 bedroom that the 3 of them will share. Boy, that was a mess. First off, they ran off the third person in literally 2-3 weeks. Now, I wasn't there, but from what I was told by Majorie herself, she said she threatened her life and had something to do with the dogs. BCS Sunshine took Violet's dogs out without asking to go potty or something. I wasn't there, so that is all hearsay, and Sunshine wasn't going to tell me much till much later. But basically, she was given till the end of the month to move out, and less than a week later, she was forced to call her mom and move back to her home state. So now it's just 2 people on disability in the apartment. Bcs Sunshine had a "real" job working outside the home working between 30-40 hours a week. And those 2 disabilities sure as hell not going to pay for their rent, bills AND the weed they smoked, so they knew they needed to find them a third. I only agreed to the 2-bedroom BCS. There was going to be a third. I can see this is going to be bad. BTW we are in mid/ late Aug., And again paid more than I should have, and I can tell I will have to for Sept.
     Now comes Sept. Violet gets a check and tells me it's all mine to go towards the bills, but then I have to use half of it to pay for her car, so they don't lose it, 1/4 of it to fix the car, and almost another 1/4 on groceries and weed. ARE YOU FING KIDDING ME? The month was bad, and Oct too. Finally, in Oct, I told them both I couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't pay their bills anymore, and I'm done. Marjorie freaks out. (more on that later). But Violet turns around and starts in on me about how it's bad that they are in the middle of their best friends fighting blah blah blah. And I bought into it~~! 
     Well, thanks to Marjorie's behavior, we end up in court. So you have me, hubby, and them two there. Violet texted me and told me about the plea, and I said yeah, I know BCS. They asked us if we agreed to it first. She said thank you. we all go on. I let her use my Walmart Plus account to make things easy on her. (BIG MISTAKE) even let her have one of my Disney accounts, BCS. I had 3 free ones. Bcs I think she is still going to try and pay me back. That we are still on good terms. She needed help with her food stamps, and they needed info, so I was dumb and gave her the info, then deleted it. I will regret that forever. I believed it bcs my RL kid had the same issues. 
     In late Nov, a TV was bought at Walmart with my CC, I thought Marjorie got on her account and did it, so I changed all the info on it and canceled the order. She swears she doesn't know how it happened. I was a fool who believed her. One more time later, I noticed she bought an 8$ scraper with my card. I didn't catch that till much later, but I did catch a pair of work shoes that I canceled, and she got mad and said she thought she used her card and that was the only one. I said well, sorry, but it was my card. After that, I didn't keep my card on there anymore. My own account. All bcs I was trying to stay on good terms bcs I believed she was going to pay me back. 
     She, along with the move and the apartment, owed me 10-15k. Marjorie owes another 15-20k. By the way, I know this for a fact because I have done my taxes for 2022. So that didn't include what Marjorie owed for Dec 2021. Funny thing, when all this came down to a head, Violet said I saw receipts from Marjorie. I said really, bcs I have all the receipts of the stuff she spent. BTW that amount includes what I am being charged by the electric company bcs they never paid the bill, the apartment bcs they were evicted, and all that too. Total almost $29k   according to US Federal Taxes. So that was just money borrowed before anyone thinks that, lol. it is stuff that has now gone against my credit bcs I won't pay for it or haven't yet. 
     Anyways back to the story, She took the info I gave to help with food stamps and bought stuff from Rent-a-Center. Then tells the police I gave her permission to use my info. So that is another $3 they are trying to put against me .... the Best part is Marjorie accepted the stuff at the door, telling them I was in the hospital, knowing I wasn't allowed at that apartment. 
     So yeah, Violet kept up a good act till they knew they couldn't, then suddenly they said I misgendered them and went off like a rocket. Accusing me of all kinds of shit. A week later, I was on a website that looked to be orchestrated by my ex, Marjorie and violet. So a great combo. Till next time~

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May 30, 2023 - Thelmas Rundown


May 30, 2023

     Amazing the crap you deal with over and over. And you don’t learn the first 1000 times. My ex Thelma and I have been thru a lot over the years. More than we should have. I really should not have given her so many chances. But I really wanted to believe that she had changed each time. Yes, I was a fool every time. Keep in mind this is all the short version. Detailed coming later.
     I met the ex in 2017; she was about 18/19 and in college. I didn’t think about my age or the fact of my age. Guess I really should have to think of it now. She talked about the fact that she was friends with one of her teachers so she didn’t matter. She was very spunky and fun. And she was into both me and hubby. Not one or the other, which was a huge bonus. We hung out a lot. She ended up becoming part of the relationship. We are polyamory. Also, we live the BDSM lifestyle. He is a Dom/Protector, and I am his baby girl. I will explain all this in another blog. She is also a baby girl. Before she was allowed into that side of the relationship, she had to agree to the rules. /as all good Dom/sub relationships have rules in them. She agreed to them all.
     During this time, she went on vacations with her teacher (who was our age) and would get her drunk. I remember one call. It was at 10a in the morning, and she was drunk as all got out. She would hang out with her uncle's wife, who is older than us (there is more to that later). I know she did a few things she shouldn’t have, but she was in a different state, so what was I supposed to do? I believed her when she said she wanted to visit, so I paid for her to get a 2-way flight down here to visit. We were supposed to have a whole wedding thing happen and all that bcs my and hubby still had not been married in the virtual world yet. And she wanted to be here in person when we did. 
      After a few weeks, she wanted to bring in another girl, Tinker. We knew her too, so we didn’t fight it. But I will be damned if Thelma didn’t lose her ever-loving mind within a week or so and go crazy on us. She suddenly got jealous, freaked, and left the relationship. Bailed on the tickets to come here. Just everything. No explanation or reason at the time. Leaving Tinker with us for the next 6 years. And she just disappeared out of the blue. Had 0 clues about what had happened to her. It made no sense; she brought Tinker in; why did she freak out? That was an answer I wasn’t going to get for a couple of years. 
     When she did finally show up again with all the apologies, we didn’t know what to expect. I don’t remember half of them now; it was too many years ago. But some were like an ex-daughter convinced them we were going to do all these bad things to them if they visited and shit. And she was able to convince her of this bcs of her age vs our age. It was unreal, But obviously, I believed the “reasons”  and convinced the hubby to believe them (this time). Things seem to be going alright. I told her I didn’t want to add tags or labels this time. She seems to get spoked more easily with them than without them. She agreed. Well, at the time, she did. 
     So for this round, things were good for a while.  We got along, talked got to know each other all over again. Learned more about each other. No expectations. But then, randomly, out of the blue, she sent me a real-life ring. Pulled hubby and Bubbles in on the surprise. The message with it was a promise that she would always try and do her best. That she would always talk to me without freaking out. That she would not run at the first sign of trouble. She would Try and do everything she needed to take care of me the way I cared for her. She promised me she would be better than she had been. And I believed her.
     Till she did it again. Out of the blue, she decided she wanted to bring another girl into the relationship. This time I didn’t know the girl. She was from some Adult Girl Scout thing they both belonged to. We agreed. She was giving the rules. And agreed to them. Then BOOM, HURRICANE THELMA AGAIN. Flipped out, caused a lot of drama, claimed I didn’t care, dropped this girl on me, and just left. Let's not forget, I found out she got involved with her uncle's wife. She allowed her to become her “Mommy Dom” since she was local. Yet there was an issue with her being with us, and we are younger than the uncle's wife? Am I missing something? And the best part, her mother hates us bcs of our age but has 0 clues about what her brothers' wife is doing with her daughter. Tell me that shit ain’t fucked up.
     Anyways, this time though, I liked the first time. It affected me a lot harder. Which Bubbles saw so left a bad taste in Bubbes mouth. A couple years went bad, and she found an alt I hadn’t blocked her on to write. To see how I was. So we would here and there write. She told me she got help. She told me she was getting help. Actual professional help. I wouldn’t let her get too close for a good 18 months. I didn’t trust her enough. Plus, I knew how everyone else felt. No one trusted her or anything she said or did for good reason. And it was never “her fault.” It was always the “illness.” So I kept my distance as best as possible to make it easy.  She only had access to the Avie I did my BL work on. And I didn’t do a lot of that work anymore, so it was limited. I really wish now I had kept it that way, but noooooo, I couldn’t do that once she said she got put into professional help and stayed there for 2 months. I really believed that things may have actually changed. That she understood things better this time around. I need to stop thinking -.-.     
     We started talking a little more. And I told the hubby about her getting help. I was dealing with the ex-daughter and the hell couple, and I guess I just wanted to believe in something good out there. Well, this wasn’t it. Slowly I convinced hubby that things were better. She got help. She was on meds. Things are different. She was apologetic. She knew where she was wrong. And we were not going to do titles. Then I got Bubbles to trust me again. Believing it all. I think in my heart, though, I still wondered. One day she asked if we could all be together again. I told her I was not allowed to decide that answer, she knew that so she asked him. And he hesitantly agreed. But no rules or BDSM situations. Just GF/BF/GF. That went well for a week or two. Then out of the blue, she asked if he would be her Dom again. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for this. So he held off making any rules. Rules came into play every time in the past; she would take the rules and find loopholes within a month. I thought we were all happy. She and I hang out a lot and talk for hours. Even fall asleep on the phone. I am happy. With all the hell around me, I needed this again.     
     She kept pushing for the rules. He finally gave in and gave her the rules. Together they were worked on. Giving her some freedom but still being true to the relationship. As we planned to meet in RL. We talked about meeting since 2017, but this time around, we talked about going down there. Basically, we would rent an RV and travel south. Visiting RL's kid's friends mostly, her and now ex-daughter, both of who are in the same state and cont to FL for attractions and more friends. Well, that was the plan. She even said she wanted to go to FL with us. So it wasn’t like this relationship was just an online thing. I thought it was both. But part of me wondered, did she.      
     Within 3 weeks of getting the rules, she tells us she found a guy on a dating app in RL. Per her rules, she wanted him to meet us, but they went out on a date. They have only been talking for 2 days, supposedly. This was on mon the ___ they went out on Tues the ___, wend the ____ he asked her to be his GF. She told us he did and told us that she said no. But nothing seemed right after that. I barely talked to her, but she would say it was me. She wouldn’t stay on calls with me anymore. She claimed that her time was his Tues/wend, and I had her the rest of the time, but it was so not true. She had excuses to keep getting off calls with me. One time she thought she muted me, and I heard her laughing up a storm with him, but it was dead when she got back on with me. I was dumb. I thought she wanted a new phone/phone number bcs she bitched about her dad, so I offered to send her my spare. She didn’t fight it. She said she couldn’t pay yet. I said ok, that was fine. I still had to pay regardless. She said ok, I can pay coming April. I said ok. So I sent it. It sat there, so finally, I said if you really don’t want it, just send it back. She finally did .. good timing, too, right before the last blowout. That will come back to bite me in the ass later, along with the tickets I sent her back in 2018.   
     Anyways, New Year, she asked me to marry. I was excited and said yes. I believed her. I believed she really wanted me. But the cat 22 days would prove to me she didn’t. We got pregnant in the world together. But it seemed like it was more of a “job” for her with the videos. Like she wasn’t really wanting to do them yet, she knew why I was doing them. And why I did the pregnancy. When we would go shopping, she knew I didn’t have a lot of money, so I would say whatever you wanted bcs I wanted the wedding to be her happy, but she got mad, saying I wanted nothing to do with it, later found out she said I turned to scam things off of her. This coming from the person that used to get stuff from me all the time, and I never asked a dime for it or said she was scamming.               On the 23rd of Jan came, she sent me 5k in the game… I thanked her. But then, at about 2a that morning, I saw something about the date on FB of her and that guy. You know, the guy she said “no” to. Well, they are not listed as a couple ON THE DATE that she claimed that she said no. I confronted her. She said she didn’t know what she agreed to. She just said, “Yes.” Do I look stupid??? You have been living with me this whole damn time! I was appalled and hurt. So I ended up saying something that hurt her back. I didn’t break up just hurt back. And 2 days later, she broke up with me. But blaming me for it all. Yet she was the liar in it all. And she ended up putting me on blast, too. How awesome, lol.      
     There will be more details on all 3 incidents at later dates. This is the rough draft that all came rushing back at once. At least it wasn’t the hell couple, lol.
     Till next time. 

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May 22, 2023 - Siggie Part 2


     May 26, 2023

     To continue about the other day, as I stated, we had no idea what was going to happen. She seemed genuine in apologizing for what had happened at New Year's. That she was caught off guard. Of course, I couldn’t remember much, and I was dumb to NOT ask hubby about it. So I thought she was a by-standard during it all. BTW, one of the biggest things that happened was that Rachel and Don did not want a few of the kids; they just were not good fits. Well, I don’t know how it got started, but it appears you 1 of them said something about killing themselves, and Don stupidly said, “Go ahead.” That is what started the biggest fight with hubby and Don. 
      So anyways, I thought that Siggie was just a by-standard; I found out much later when we had this last blow that she wasn’t that she was a willing participant. And that she was telling them, “Can’t you tell you are not wanted and just leave in peace,” and other crap. But like I said, I couldn’t remember -.-. But bubbles brought her back, and she was remorseful. The kids were still with us. They did not take kindly to us, allowing her back even though we told them she apologized. That is when they went stupid on us and ended up leaving. 
     I swear it was already too much drama, almost like changing the guards. This was changing of the kids and grandkids. It was insane. Anyways, At some point, Siggie decided to adopt a set of adorable twins, Fay and May. And, omg did everyone’s heart melt! They have a set of big avies as well but spend a lot of time on their littles, and as far as everyone is concerned, their bigs are just as much part of the family. Butt that is how I am. If I am the mom of a little one, I am the mom of your Big too, that simple. It’s not one or the other in this family usually. They also brought in another friend of theirs who doesn’t belong to anyone, but we all consider family, and that would be Kat. 
     So things seemed really good for like a hot min before Siggie was up to no good. As I was having trouble with the hell team and my ex-daughter, Joyce, Siggie started writing me, telling me that she was tired of Bubbles complaining so much. She felt she was doing it all for attention. It got to the point she didn’t think she had seizures. In Oct/ Nov, when all HELL was breaking loose around me with the couple, she moved off the sim, telling me that the girls and she moved and got their own place, but not why. But she was quick to throw bubbles under the bus and tell me about her getting land too. And told me about how she wasn’t going to tell me and that she was trying to get her to tell me. Finally, bubbles told e she got land and explained it was because of what was happening with the hell couple, which I understood. I had not closed the sim down yet. 
     The little avatar she had made to use as a granddaughter before she became my daughter, she used as the "little" daughter. But since she never used it bcs she was always on the adult account, she told me she was giving it to her RL daughter. At the time, I had 0 reason to not believe her. So I never paid attention to what that avie was doing. Also, it got a job at an adoption location. Little did I know that when Hubby met her, she was working there also. Again didn't learn this info till later when hubby said, "Why would her RL kid work at the same place she worked at?" umm, good point. 
     I still had 2 sims. In fact, I soon closed 1 sim down, and the other sim I kept but locked down except for a small parcel for the blood bank. This helped the family feel safer anyway; this whole time, she told me how much she loved me and that she only came around for me and the girls but that they weren't even around much anymore. Making it sound like she is having issues now with the twins. I’m recording the shows they have on the weekend bus. She can’t “come to them” bcs they are on the weekends. And I don’t want her to miss the recitals they have. 
     She did a 9-month pregnancy, and they had this whole cute thing going on with “Chewbakwa.” I mean, I never suspected there were any issues she had with me or massive issues with the girls. I figured she just wished they were around more but thought, hey, she could talk to them, and I bet they would be more …. I didn’t know them well yet, so I had no idea. But I was about to learn a lot. 
     Dec came, and it was told to us she had a “stroke”. We all flipped out. Trying to figure out what we could do to help. Be there for her What we could do. “David” would tell us about how he wasn’t working and a bunch of other stuff. This went on for a couple weeks. I sent her a squishable turtle naming it Shorty bcs that is the nickname he calls her. And giving it the date of her “stroke,” we all talked bout her being a fighter. When I talked to him, he said the next day, he saw she had slept with it. So that made me feel good. Believing it all, Trusting, blinding, and caring too much. During this month, I recorded the show the girls did and sent it to her so she could see it to pick her up. DBubbles, too, pics. We all took family pics to put them into a “digital frame” for her. No one really did Christmas in SL bcs we all were missing her. 
     Jan came; she was “still” in the hospital. She and I have the same BDay. So I was sad bcs we had planned to do something big with the fam to celebrate it, but she wasn’t there, so we didn’t do anything. We were told she got covid in the hospital, so no one was allowed to see her. And that her husband had lost his job, so he was looking for something local. Finally, we were told she was getting better. She was still in ICU, supposedly, but going to therapy. ( None of the next things being told to us actually sunk in till much later.) Her husband got her a new phone bcs her other one was lost or some shit, and it has 2-verify on it, so she had to start a new discord. I fell for it, so I was like, “Just have David kick everyone out of the server since you can’t get into it.” She happily did it. I was a fool. 
     Anyways, so is going to therapy, and randomly it's “release day.” Never once did she say she was being sent to a room. In fact, she said they were sending her home since she had been in ICU for so long, and she actually had been doing alright. That did make some of us go, “HUH?” Never heard that before. It’s always been the procedure, ICU, Room, then either home or caretaker home, then a regular home. NEVER ICU than home. EVER. So moving forward, she would talk to each of us separately here and there. She was telling me that the girls were not really around anymore. And how she missed them. Now I don’t know if that was true or not bcs I wasn’t that close to them at the time. So I didn’t pay attention. I know I didn’t write her all the time bcs she said it was hard for her to get online and hard for her to type. Then randomly, she tells everyone she is leaving the virtual World. Privately she tells me she is giving the account to her daughter, but her daughter said she was going to retire it as our last name, which made me feel good. BOY, WAS THAT ALL CRAP
     The week of bubble surgery in April, she noticed that Siggy had a different name, so she looked at the profile, then, of course, told me. This was Monday. I told her about her possibly giving it to her daughter and said I guess her daughter took it. Little did I know what else I was going to find out -.- … After Bubbles went to sleep, I was looking at Discord and saw Siggy had changed her profile pic to a cat, so I went to write her, and it came back I couldn’t write her bcs we were not friends. So I looked; she was not mutual friends with ANYONE nor a mutual server. She had earned us all on Discord. So now I’m a bit on the gumming side, but I can’t tell bubbles bcs she has surgery in 3 days. Tues rolled around, and I looked at Steam and realized she deleted me off Sim, so I looked at mutual friends, and none of us had her as a friend. That was another place she “claimed” she gave her daughter. Funny, huh, everything she “gives to her daughter.” 
     So now I can. Do not sit on this. I contacted Fay, which was a good thing I contacted her, not May. I found out May’s dog passed that day -.- So, this would not have helped at all that same day. At least Fay would be able to judge when to tell her sister. So that was a lot better for me. Anyways, I wrote Fay asking her by chance if Siggie was still her friend in the world and if she knew anything and if she was and just wanted nothing to do with us, I would understand. I was just at a loss. Took a few moments for her to what herself before she could answer, but when she did, it was a time bomb bcs she didn’t see it coming. Siggy had defriended her as well. The ones she called her forever kids. I just up and dropped them like it was nothing. We were looking at her profile, and it was changed again. The names were changed. There are new last names, but they are still partnered with the guy who was made to protest against her husband. Even the guy's profile was updated. And now she was in the group that lets you adopt and be adopted by families. And not some truths start coming out. But not yet on everything still have to wait to tell Bubbles till after the surgery. 
     Bubbles surgery was Thurs. She got out on Saturday, and finally Sunday, I had the courage to tell her, which means I could tell the rest of the family now, thank goodness. And now the comparison notes start. And boy, the shit each of us DIDNT KNOW. This winch is a real piece of work. Everyone loved her. Did everything they could for her. Loved her. I was there for her, good and bad. And the crap she was saying is unreal. How do you look at one person so loving and caring to someone’s face but then be so deceitful behind their back, but then be only half mean to another person about that same person and keep them all straight and organized? She somehow did it. Keeping all her lies straight. She had people believing things, and if they didn’t know someone well enough, they didn’t ask questions. 
     I found out they left the sim way back bcs she planned on leaving the family. The girl didn’t want to leave the family and didn’t understand why she wanted to. She never gave them a good reason. She would tell girls that Buddles was living about her health issue, but we have verifiable proof that it was true. We have seen the tumor the dr took out of her. But bcs it was taking so long, she kept saying it was fake. But then again, Bubble ex-sis used to say her health issues fell too. She was telling us the girls were barely around, but we found out that she was barely there every time they were around. And when she was there, she would log out real early. We figured it out. She was probably logging out of Siggy to log in on the little account bcs she had gotten a family temporarily.      As the week went on, we all started comparing notes. Everyone, by the filing Monday, knew what was happening. I found out the twins were told they couldn’t even send anything to the hospital when she was supposedly in it, but the best part was; Her RL kid logged in, and Bubbles asked how her mom was after her stroke. The RL kid said, “virtual mom?”. That caught us off guard. So we kinda knew then that there was no stroke. How sad and pathetic can one person get. Now she has an Adoption up at the place for her little. Just so sad. But we are stronger than ever. 
     Till next time. 

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