May 30, 2023
I met the ex in 2017; she was about 18/19 and in college. I didn’t think about my age or the fact of my age. Guess I really should have to think of it now. She talked about the fact that she was friends with one of her teachers so she didn’t matter. She was very spunky and fun. And she was into both me and hubby. Not one or the other, which was a huge bonus. We hung out a lot. She ended up becoming part of the relationship. We are polyamory. Also, we live the BDSM lifestyle. He is a Dom/Protector, and I am his baby girl. I will explain all this in another blog. She is also a baby girl. Before she was allowed into that side of the relationship, she had to agree to the rules. /as all good Dom/sub relationships have rules in them. She agreed to them all.
During this time, she went on vacations with her teacher (who was our age) and would get her drunk. I remember one call. It was at 10a in the morning, and she was drunk as all got out. She would hang out with her uncle's wife, who is older than us (there is more to that later). I know she did a few things she shouldn’t have, but she was in a different state, so what was I supposed to do? I believed her when she said she wanted to visit, so I paid for her to get a 2-way flight down here to visit. We were supposed to have a whole wedding thing happen and all that bcs my and hubby still had not been married in the virtual world yet. And she wanted to be here in person when we did.
After a few weeks, she wanted to bring in another girl, Tinker. We knew her too, so we didn’t fight it. But I will be damned if Thelma didn’t lose her ever-loving mind within a week or so and go crazy on us. She suddenly got jealous, freaked, and left the relationship. Bailed on the tickets to come here. Just everything. No explanation or reason at the time. Leaving Tinker with us for the next 6 years. And she just disappeared out of the blue. Had 0 clues about what had happened to her. It made no sense; she brought Tinker in; why did she freak out? That was an answer I wasn’t going to get for a couple of years.
When she did finally show up again with all the apologies, we didn’t know what to expect. I don’t remember half of them now; it was too many years ago. But some were like an ex-daughter convinced them we were going to do all these bad things to them if they visited and shit. And she was able to convince her of this bcs of her age vs our age. It was unreal, But obviously, I believed the “reasons” and convinced the hubby to believe them (this time). Things seem to be going alright. I told her I didn’t want to add tags or labels this time. She seems to get spoked more easily with them than without them. She agreed. Well, at the time, she did.
So for this round, things were good for a while. We got along, talked got to know each other all over again. Learned more about each other. No expectations. But then, randomly, out of the blue, she sent me a real-life ring. Pulled hubby and Bubbles in on the surprise. The message with it was a promise that she would always try and do her best. That she would always talk to me without freaking out. That she would not run at the first sign of trouble. She would Try and do everything she needed to take care of me the way I cared for her. She promised me she would be better than she had been. And I believed her.
Till she did it again. Out of the blue, she decided she wanted to bring another girl into the relationship. This time I didn’t know the girl. She was from some Adult Girl Scout thing they both belonged to. We agreed. She was giving the rules. And agreed to them. Then BOOM, HURRICANE THELMA AGAIN. Flipped out, caused a lot of drama, claimed I didn’t care, dropped this girl on me, and just left. Let's not forget, I found out she got involved with her uncle's wife. She allowed her to become her “Mommy Dom” since she was local. Yet there was an issue with her being with us, and we are younger than the uncle's wife? Am I missing something? And the best part, her mother hates us bcs of our age but has 0 clues about what her brothers' wife is doing with her daughter. Tell me that shit ain’t fucked up.
Anyways, this time though, I liked the first time. It affected me a lot harder. Which Bubbles saw so left a bad taste in Bubbes mouth. A couple years went bad, and she found an alt I hadn’t blocked her on to write. To see how I was. So we would here and there write. She told me she got help. She told me she was getting help. Actual professional help. I wouldn’t let her get too close for a good 18 months. I didn’t trust her enough. Plus, I knew how everyone else felt. No one trusted her or anything she said or did for good reason. And it was never “her fault.” It was always the “illness.” So I kept my distance as best as possible to make it easy. She only had access to the Avie I did my BL work on. And I didn’t do a lot of that work anymore, so it was limited. I really wish now I had kept it that way, but noooooo, I couldn’t do that once she said she got put into professional help and stayed there for 2 months. I really believed that things may have actually changed. That she understood things better this time around. I need to stop thinking -.-.
We started talking a little more. And I told the hubby about her getting help. I was dealing with the ex-daughter and the hell couple, and I guess I just wanted to believe in something good out there. Well, this wasn’t it. Slowly I convinced hubby that things were better. She got help. She was on meds. Things are different. She was apologetic. She knew where she was wrong. And we were not going to do titles. Then I got Bubbles to trust me again. Believing it all. I think in my heart, though, I still wondered. One day she asked if we could all be together again. I told her I was not allowed to decide that answer, she knew that so she asked him. And he hesitantly agreed. But no rules or BDSM situations. Just GF/BF/GF. That went well for a week or two. Then out of the blue, she asked if he would be her Dom again. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for this. So he held off making any rules. Rules came into play every time in the past; she would take the rules and find loopholes within a month. I thought we were all happy. She and I hang out a lot and talk for hours. Even fall asleep on the phone. I am happy. With all the hell around me, I needed this again.
She kept pushing for the rules. He finally gave in and gave her the rules. Together they were worked on. Giving her some freedom but still being true to the relationship. As we planned to meet in RL. We talked about meeting since 2017, but this time around, we talked about going down there. Basically, we would rent an RV and travel south. Visiting RL's kid's friends mostly, her and now ex-daughter, both of who are in the same state and cont to FL for attractions and more friends. Well, that was the plan. She even said she wanted to go to FL with us. So it wasn’t like this relationship was just an online thing. I thought it was both. But part of me wondered, did she.
Within 3 weeks of getting the rules, she tells us she found a guy on a dating app in RL. Per her rules, she wanted him to meet us, but they went out on a date. They have only been talking for 2 days, supposedly. This was on mon the ___ they went out on Tues the ___, wend the ____ he asked her to be his GF. She told us he did and told us that she said no. But nothing seemed right after that. I barely talked to her, but she would say it was me. She wouldn’t stay on calls with me anymore. She claimed that her time was his Tues/wend, and I had her the rest of the time, but it was so not true. She had excuses to keep getting off calls with me. One time she thought she muted me, and I heard her laughing up a storm with him, but it was dead when she got back on with me. I was dumb. I thought she wanted a new phone/phone number bcs she bitched about her dad, so I offered to send her my spare. She didn’t fight it. She said she couldn’t pay yet. I said ok, that was fine. I still had to pay regardless. She said ok, I can pay coming April. I said ok. So I sent it. It sat there, so finally, I said if you really don’t want it, just send it back. She finally did .. good timing, too, right before the last blowout. That will come back to bite me in the ass later, along with the tickets I sent her back in 2018.
Anyways, New Year, she asked me to marry. I was excited and said yes. I believed her. I believed she really wanted me. But the cat 22 days would prove to me she didn’t. We got pregnant in the world together. But it seemed like it was more of a “job” for her with the videos. Like she wasn’t really wanting to do them yet, she knew why I was doing them. And why I did the pregnancy. When we would go shopping, she knew I didn’t have a lot of money, so I would say whatever you wanted bcs I wanted the wedding to be her happy, but she got mad, saying I wanted nothing to do with it, later found out she said I turned to scam things off of her. This coming from the person that used to get stuff from me all the time, and I never asked a dime for it or said she was scamming. On the 23rd of Jan came, she sent me 5k in the game… I thanked her. But then, at about 2a that morning, I saw something about the date on FB of her and that guy. You know, the guy she said “no” to. Well, they are not listed as a couple ON THE DATE that she claimed that she said no. I confronted her. She said she didn’t know what she agreed to. She just said, “Yes.” Do I look stupid??? You have been living with me this whole damn time! I was appalled and hurt. So I ended up saying something that hurt her back. I didn’t break up just hurt back. And 2 days later, she broke up with me. But blaming me for it all. Yet she was the liar in it all. And she ended up putting me on blast, too. How awesome, lol.
There will be more details on all 3 incidents at later dates. This is the rough draft that all came rushing back at once. At least it wasn’t the hell couple, lol.
Till next time.
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