May 30, 2023 - Thelmas Rundown


May 30, 2023

     Amazing the crap you deal with over and over. And you don’t learn the first 1000 times. My ex Thelma and I have been thru a lot over the years. More than we should have. I really should not have given her so many chances. But I really wanted to believe that she had changed each time. Yes, I was a fool every time. Keep in mind this is all the short version. Detailed coming later.
     I met the ex in 2017; she was about 18/19 and in college. I didn’t think about my age or the fact of my age. Guess I really should have to think of it now. She talked about the fact that she was friends with one of her teachers so she didn’t matter. She was very spunky and fun. And she was into both me and hubby. Not one or the other, which was a huge bonus. We hung out a lot. She ended up becoming part of the relationship. We are polyamory. Also, we live the BDSM lifestyle. He is a Dom/Protector, and I am his baby girl. I will explain all this in another blog. She is also a baby girl. Before she was allowed into that side of the relationship, she had to agree to the rules. /as all good Dom/sub relationships have rules in them. She agreed to them all.
     During this time, she went on vacations with her teacher (who was our age) and would get her drunk. I remember one call. It was at 10a in the morning, and she was drunk as all got out. She would hang out with her uncle's wife, who is older than us (there is more to that later). I know she did a few things she shouldn’t have, but she was in a different state, so what was I supposed to do? I believed her when she said she wanted to visit, so I paid for her to get a 2-way flight down here to visit. We were supposed to have a whole wedding thing happen and all that bcs my and hubby still had not been married in the virtual world yet. And she wanted to be here in person when we did. 
      After a few weeks, she wanted to bring in another girl, Tinker. We knew her too, so we didn’t fight it. But I will be damned if Thelma didn’t lose her ever-loving mind within a week or so and go crazy on us. She suddenly got jealous, freaked, and left the relationship. Bailed on the tickets to come here. Just everything. No explanation or reason at the time. Leaving Tinker with us for the next 6 years. And she just disappeared out of the blue. Had 0 clues about what had happened to her. It made no sense; she brought Tinker in; why did she freak out? That was an answer I wasn’t going to get for a couple of years. 
     When she did finally show up again with all the apologies, we didn’t know what to expect. I don’t remember half of them now; it was too many years ago. But some were like an ex-daughter convinced them we were going to do all these bad things to them if they visited and shit. And she was able to convince her of this bcs of her age vs our age. It was unreal, But obviously, I believed the “reasons”  and convinced the hubby to believe them (this time). Things seem to be going alright. I told her I didn’t want to add tags or labels this time. She seems to get spoked more easily with them than without them. She agreed. Well, at the time, she did. 
     So for this round, things were good for a while.  We got along, talked got to know each other all over again. Learned more about each other. No expectations. But then, randomly, out of the blue, she sent me a real-life ring. Pulled hubby and Bubbles in on the surprise. The message with it was a promise that she would always try and do her best. That she would always talk to me without freaking out. That she would not run at the first sign of trouble. She would Try and do everything she needed to take care of me the way I cared for her. She promised me she would be better than she had been. And I believed her.
     Till she did it again. Out of the blue, she decided she wanted to bring another girl into the relationship. This time I didn’t know the girl. She was from some Adult Girl Scout thing they both belonged to. We agreed. She was giving the rules. And agreed to them. Then BOOM, HURRICANE THELMA AGAIN. Flipped out, caused a lot of drama, claimed I didn’t care, dropped this girl on me, and just left. Let's not forget, I found out she got involved with her uncle's wife. She allowed her to become her “Mommy Dom” since she was local. Yet there was an issue with her being with us, and we are younger than the uncle's wife? Am I missing something? And the best part, her mother hates us bcs of our age but has 0 clues about what her brothers' wife is doing with her daughter. Tell me that shit ain’t fucked up.
     Anyways, this time though, I liked the first time. It affected me a lot harder. Which Bubbles saw so left a bad taste in Bubbes mouth. A couple years went bad, and she found an alt I hadn’t blocked her on to write. To see how I was. So we would here and there write. She told me she got help. She told me she was getting help. Actual professional help. I wouldn’t let her get too close for a good 18 months. I didn’t trust her enough. Plus, I knew how everyone else felt. No one trusted her or anything she said or did for good reason. And it was never “her fault.” It was always the “illness.” So I kept my distance as best as possible to make it easy.  She only had access to the Avie I did my BL work on. And I didn’t do a lot of that work anymore, so it was limited. I really wish now I had kept it that way, but noooooo, I couldn’t do that once she said she got put into professional help and stayed there for 2 months. I really believed that things may have actually changed. That she understood things better this time around. I need to stop thinking -.-.     
     We started talking a little more. And I told the hubby about her getting help. I was dealing with the ex-daughter and the hell couple, and I guess I just wanted to believe in something good out there. Well, this wasn’t it. Slowly I convinced hubby that things were better. She got help. She was on meds. Things are different. She was apologetic. She knew where she was wrong. And we were not going to do titles. Then I got Bubbles to trust me again. Believing it all. I think in my heart, though, I still wondered. One day she asked if we could all be together again. I told her I was not allowed to decide that answer, she knew that so she asked him. And he hesitantly agreed. But no rules or BDSM situations. Just GF/BF/GF. That went well for a week or two. Then out of the blue, she asked if he would be her Dom again. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for this. So he held off making any rules. Rules came into play every time in the past; she would take the rules and find loopholes within a month. I thought we were all happy. She and I hang out a lot and talk for hours. Even fall asleep on the phone. I am happy. With all the hell around me, I needed this again.     
     She kept pushing for the rules. He finally gave in and gave her the rules. Together they were worked on. Giving her some freedom but still being true to the relationship. As we planned to meet in RL. We talked about meeting since 2017, but this time around, we talked about going down there. Basically, we would rent an RV and travel south. Visiting RL's kid's friends mostly, her and now ex-daughter, both of who are in the same state and cont to FL for attractions and more friends. Well, that was the plan. She even said she wanted to go to FL with us. So it wasn’t like this relationship was just an online thing. I thought it was both. But part of me wondered, did she.      
     Within 3 weeks of getting the rules, she tells us she found a guy on a dating app in RL. Per her rules, she wanted him to meet us, but they went out on a date. They have only been talking for 2 days, supposedly. This was on mon the ___ they went out on Tues the ___, wend the ____ he asked her to be his GF. She told us he did and told us that she said no. But nothing seemed right after that. I barely talked to her, but she would say it was me. She wouldn’t stay on calls with me anymore. She claimed that her time was his Tues/wend, and I had her the rest of the time, but it was so not true. She had excuses to keep getting off calls with me. One time she thought she muted me, and I heard her laughing up a storm with him, but it was dead when she got back on with me. I was dumb. I thought she wanted a new phone/phone number bcs she bitched about her dad, so I offered to send her my spare. She didn’t fight it. She said she couldn’t pay yet. I said ok, that was fine. I still had to pay regardless. She said ok, I can pay coming April. I said ok. So I sent it. It sat there, so finally, I said if you really don’t want it, just send it back. She finally did .. good timing, too, right before the last blowout. That will come back to bite me in the ass later, along with the tickets I sent her back in 2018.   
     Anyways, New Year, she asked me to marry. I was excited and said yes. I believed her. I believed she really wanted me. But the cat 22 days would prove to me she didn’t. We got pregnant in the world together. But it seemed like it was more of a “job” for her with the videos. Like she wasn’t really wanting to do them yet, she knew why I was doing them. And why I did the pregnancy. When we would go shopping, she knew I didn’t have a lot of money, so I would say whatever you wanted bcs I wanted the wedding to be her happy, but she got mad, saying I wanted nothing to do with it, later found out she said I turned to scam things off of her. This coming from the person that used to get stuff from me all the time, and I never asked a dime for it or said she was scamming.               On the 23rd of Jan came, she sent me 5k in the game… I thanked her. But then, at about 2a that morning, I saw something about the date on FB of her and that guy. You know, the guy she said “no” to. Well, they are not listed as a couple ON THE DATE that she claimed that she said no. I confronted her. She said she didn’t know what she agreed to. She just said, “Yes.” Do I look stupid??? You have been living with me this whole damn time! I was appalled and hurt. So I ended up saying something that hurt her back. I didn’t break up just hurt back. And 2 days later, she broke up with me. But blaming me for it all. Yet she was the liar in it all. And she ended up putting me on blast, too. How awesome, lol.      
     There will be more details on all 3 incidents at later dates. This is the rough draft that all came rushing back at once. At least it wasn’t the hell couple, lol.
     Till next time. 

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May 22, 2023 - Siggie Part 2


     May 26, 2023

     To continue about the other day, as I stated, we had no idea what was going to happen. She seemed genuine in apologizing for what had happened at New Year's. That she was caught off guard. Of course, I couldn’t remember much, and I was dumb to NOT ask hubby about it. So I thought she was a by-standard during it all. BTW, one of the biggest things that happened was that Rachel and Don did not want a few of the kids; they just were not good fits. Well, I don’t know how it got started, but it appears you 1 of them said something about killing themselves, and Don stupidly said, “Go ahead.” That is what started the biggest fight with hubby and Don. 
      So anyways, I thought that Siggie was just a by-standard; I found out much later when we had this last blow that she wasn’t that she was a willing participant. And that she was telling them, “Can’t you tell you are not wanted and just leave in peace,” and other crap. But like I said, I couldn’t remember -.-. But bubbles brought her back, and she was remorseful. The kids were still with us. They did not take kindly to us, allowing her back even though we told them she apologized. That is when they went stupid on us and ended up leaving. 
     I swear it was already too much drama, almost like changing the guards. This was changing of the kids and grandkids. It was insane. Anyways, At some point, Siggie decided to adopt a set of adorable twins, Fay and May. And, omg did everyone’s heart melt! They have a set of big avies as well but spend a lot of time on their littles, and as far as everyone is concerned, their bigs are just as much part of the family. Butt that is how I am. If I am the mom of a little one, I am the mom of your Big too, that simple. It’s not one or the other in this family usually. They also brought in another friend of theirs who doesn’t belong to anyone, but we all consider family, and that would be Kat. 
     So things seemed really good for like a hot min before Siggie was up to no good. As I was having trouble with the hell team and my ex-daughter, Joyce, Siggie started writing me, telling me that she was tired of Bubbles complaining so much. She felt she was doing it all for attention. It got to the point she didn’t think she had seizures. In Oct/ Nov, when all HELL was breaking loose around me with the couple, she moved off the sim, telling me that the girls and she moved and got their own place, but not why. But she was quick to throw bubbles under the bus and tell me about her getting land too. And told me about how she wasn’t going to tell me and that she was trying to get her to tell me. Finally, bubbles told e she got land and explained it was because of what was happening with the hell couple, which I understood. I had not closed the sim down yet. 
     The little avatar she had made to use as a granddaughter before she became my daughter, she used as the "little" daughter. But since she never used it bcs she was always on the adult account, she told me she was giving it to her RL daughter. At the time, I had 0 reason to not believe her. So I never paid attention to what that avie was doing. Also, it got a job at an adoption location. Little did I know that when Hubby met her, she was working there also. Again didn't learn this info till later when hubby said, "Why would her RL kid work at the same place she worked at?" umm, good point. 
     I still had 2 sims. In fact, I soon closed 1 sim down, and the other sim I kept but locked down except for a small parcel for the blood bank. This helped the family feel safer anyway; this whole time, she told me how much she loved me and that she only came around for me and the girls but that they weren't even around much anymore. Making it sound like she is having issues now with the twins. I’m recording the shows they have on the weekend bus. She can’t “come to them” bcs they are on the weekends. And I don’t want her to miss the recitals they have. 
     She did a 9-month pregnancy, and they had this whole cute thing going on with “Chewbakwa.” I mean, I never suspected there were any issues she had with me or massive issues with the girls. I figured she just wished they were around more but thought, hey, she could talk to them, and I bet they would be more …. I didn’t know them well yet, so I had no idea. But I was about to learn a lot. 
     Dec came, and it was told to us she had a “stroke”. We all flipped out. Trying to figure out what we could do to help. Be there for her What we could do. “David” would tell us about how he wasn’t working and a bunch of other stuff. This went on for a couple weeks. I sent her a squishable turtle naming it Shorty bcs that is the nickname he calls her. And giving it the date of her “stroke,” we all talked bout her being a fighter. When I talked to him, he said the next day, he saw she had slept with it. So that made me feel good. Believing it all, Trusting, blinding, and caring too much. During this month, I recorded the show the girls did and sent it to her so she could see it to pick her up. DBubbles, too, pics. We all took family pics to put them into a “digital frame” for her. No one really did Christmas in SL bcs we all were missing her. 
     Jan came; she was “still” in the hospital. She and I have the same BDay. So I was sad bcs we had planned to do something big with the fam to celebrate it, but she wasn’t there, so we didn’t do anything. We were told she got covid in the hospital, so no one was allowed to see her. And that her husband had lost his job, so he was looking for something local. Finally, we were told she was getting better. She was still in ICU, supposedly, but going to therapy. ( None of the next things being told to us actually sunk in till much later.) Her husband got her a new phone bcs her other one was lost or some shit, and it has 2-verify on it, so she had to start a new discord. I fell for it, so I was like, “Just have David kick everyone out of the server since you can’t get into it.” She happily did it. I was a fool. 
     Anyways, so is going to therapy, and randomly it's “release day.” Never once did she say she was being sent to a room. In fact, she said they were sending her home since she had been in ICU for so long, and she actually had been doing alright. That did make some of us go, “HUH?” Never heard that before. It’s always been the procedure, ICU, Room, then either home or caretaker home, then a regular home. NEVER ICU than home. EVER. So moving forward, she would talk to each of us separately here and there. She was telling me that the girls were not really around anymore. And how she missed them. Now I don’t know if that was true or not bcs I wasn’t that close to them at the time. So I didn’t pay attention. I know I didn’t write her all the time bcs she said it was hard for her to get online and hard for her to type. Then randomly, she tells everyone she is leaving the virtual World. Privately she tells me she is giving the account to her daughter, but her daughter said she was going to retire it as our last name, which made me feel good. BOY, WAS THAT ALL CRAP
     The week of bubble surgery in April, she noticed that Siggy had a different name, so she looked at the profile, then, of course, told me. This was Monday. I told her about her possibly giving it to her daughter and said I guess her daughter took it. Little did I know what else I was going to find out -.- … After Bubbles went to sleep, I was looking at Discord and saw Siggy had changed her profile pic to a cat, so I went to write her, and it came back I couldn’t write her bcs we were not friends. So I looked; she was not mutual friends with ANYONE nor a mutual server. She had earned us all on Discord. So now I’m a bit on the gumming side, but I can’t tell bubbles bcs she has surgery in 3 days. Tues rolled around, and I looked at Steam and realized she deleted me off Sim, so I looked at mutual friends, and none of us had her as a friend. That was another place she “claimed” she gave her daughter. Funny, huh, everything she “gives to her daughter.” 
     So now I can. Do not sit on this. I contacted Fay, which was a good thing I contacted her, not May. I found out May’s dog passed that day -.- So, this would not have helped at all that same day. At least Fay would be able to judge when to tell her sister. So that was a lot better for me. Anyways, I wrote Fay asking her by chance if Siggie was still her friend in the world and if she knew anything and if she was and just wanted nothing to do with us, I would understand. I was just at a loss. Took a few moments for her to what herself before she could answer, but when she did, it was a time bomb bcs she didn’t see it coming. Siggy had defriended her as well. The ones she called her forever kids. I just up and dropped them like it was nothing. We were looking at her profile, and it was changed again. The names were changed. There are new last names, but they are still partnered with the guy who was made to protest against her husband. Even the guy's profile was updated. And now she was in the group that lets you adopt and be adopted by families. And not some truths start coming out. But not yet on everything still have to wait to tell Bubbles till after the surgery. 
     Bubbles surgery was Thurs. She got out on Saturday, and finally Sunday, I had the courage to tell her, which means I could tell the rest of the family now, thank goodness. And now the comparison notes start. And boy, the shit each of us DIDNT KNOW. This winch is a real piece of work. Everyone loved her. Did everything they could for her. Loved her. I was there for her, good and bad. And the crap she was saying is unreal. How do you look at one person so loving and caring to someone’s face but then be so deceitful behind their back, but then be only half mean to another person about that same person and keep them all straight and organized? She somehow did it. Keeping all her lies straight. She had people believing things, and if they didn’t know someone well enough, they didn’t ask questions. 
     I found out they left the sim way back bcs she planned on leaving the family. The girl didn’t want to leave the family and didn’t understand why she wanted to. She never gave them a good reason. She would tell girls that Buddles was living about her health issue, but we have verifiable proof that it was true. We have seen the tumor the dr took out of her. But bcs it was taking so long, she kept saying it was fake. But then again, Bubble ex-sis used to say her health issues fell too. She was telling us the girls were barely around, but we found out that she was barely there every time they were around. And when she was there, she would log out real early. We figured it out. She was probably logging out of Siggy to log in on the little account bcs she had gotten a family temporarily.      As the week went on, we all started comparing notes. Everyone, by the filing Monday, knew what was happening. I found out the twins were told they couldn’t even send anything to the hospital when she was supposedly in it, but the best part was; Her RL kid logged in, and Bubbles asked how her mom was after her stroke. The RL kid said, “virtual mom?”. That caught us off guard. So we kinda knew then that there was no stroke. How sad and pathetic can one person get. Now she has an Adoption up at the place for her little. Just so sad. But we are stronger than ever. 
     Till next time. 

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May 20, 20023 - Siggie


  May20, 2023

     I am always talking about the hell couple, but they are not my only nightmares. I had others over the past year. Let’s talk about the latest one and most unexpected one, Siggie. This one will take 2 different blogs.
     This one is very heartbreaking. She is another daughter. She only recently became an ex-daughter. She caught the whole family off guard. And bcs of it, everyone has talked and compared notes on what she has been saying to each other person. She hasn’t been honest with anyone. Not really. 
     So Siggie came into our life about 3 years ago when we were looking for a set of “twins” bcs I and one of the exes (not the one I talk about) were getting pregnant. She seemed like a great kid. We then found the second one…  well, siggie disappeared, and we didn’t know why. The second kid, Rachel, ended up bringing her best friend in to be the twin, and it worked out great. But she also brought in her WHOLE family, being my adult child as well, and, well, Siggie was the grandchild of Rachel. O.o
     So that caught me off guard, and I asked about it. She said, “My account was hacked.” I choose to believe her. Hubby was more iffy about trusting, of course. So time passes. I have a blowout with Rachel around the holidays; they all leave. Then a few months, Rachel was with one of the kids, Bubbles, and they saw me on the sim, so she wore me and apologized, so I took her back in. 
     Well, she brought Siggie back in, but now under a “new account” as her daughter. BTW we didn’t yet know what kind of con artist or reinvented this chick was yet. Should have, though. Feel stupid for not knowing. Siggie basically “retired” the other account so that her “mother” would never know she was actually ever around. 
     Moving on. Many months later, around the holidays AGAIN, a new blowout. This is all for a different segment. To much detail, lol. But I will say Siggie said some this crap that she never should and was defending her SL Dad, Don. They all left (again). 
     Many months later, my lovely daughter Bubbles did it again; she believed Siggie when she said she was brainwashed by Rachel. It’s funny she never really talked down about Don, yet he was the one that caused the most issues that day. She blamed it all on Rachel and the other kid that Rachel had. That kid was overprotective and did not like many people, and would not friend with hardly anyone. 
      I was skeptical this time. But both of them gave such great arguments as to what happened and why. And since I couldn’t remember that much of that day, I went ahead and fell for it all. Hubby, on the other hand, north ath I knew, never gave in. He never did trust her bcs of the patterns at hand. But, I agreed to take her in as a daughter. 
     I never knew what was going to come of that over the next year. But there is so many twists, turns, and roller coasters. The crop I get myself into. Will explain all that in the next one. 
     Till next time … 

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May 19, 2023


May 19, 2023

     ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! I am now being told it's a he said/she said situation with my identity. This is really insane. What the police will do. What those 2 are doing. So here is the situation.
     This has been going back and forth since March 31st. It’s now mid-May. Next, the last thing that happened was the cop called saying that the bestie said I gave permission to use my information to buy from Rent-a-Center. I told the cop there was no way in hell. That after I did my taxes, I saw they owed me 28k USD. I thought it was around 15k, but it was doubled. 
     Cop said they sent discord messages showing I said things. I said I had all the discord messages. I will send her what I have. So she would give me the dates and times. I sent her full sections showing that everything they sent was/had been doctored somehow. I was able to show things before and after messages that would make sense to what they claimed I said. So then, here I am, waiting again. 
     A week or so later, I find out that nothing has been done bcs it's he said, she said. And they were waiting on more confirmation from Rent-a-Center. Then I found out I might have to go to Lancaster to file theft charges bcs they admitted a “male” friend of theirs forged my signature. “But it wasn’t them,” but since the stuff was claimed in Lancaster, I would need to go there to file there. 
     So this is just completely freaking insane. I will not stop fighting. They think they will beat me and wear me down on this. But they have done too much damage for me to just walk away. They have done too much damage to too many people for me to walk away. I did everything I could to help them both, and they tried to destroy me and my family so I could not just walk away. 
     Till next time…..

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May 10, 2023


May 10, 2023

Omfg, are you kidding me!!!!!! So the cop called me the other day to get more info on the identity theft. The bestie said I approved the order to rent a center. SAY WHAT!!!!!!!! They owe me (per my taxes) 27k USD!!! Why would I agree to put rent a center in my name?? So they sent the cop some discord messages. The cop calls me, and I send the cop all the messages from the same dates that are NOT altered. 
     They are such pieces of work. Also, I checked the ex-roommate case bcs she was supposed to go back to check in on the progress of the terroristic threats. Well, it has been continued for a month. Don’t know if it was bcs she didn’t show up or if she asked for an extension. 
     I did talk to the bestie's ex. Finally got the courage for it. Found out some of the damage that was done there. They ruined her reputation and credit. Which I believe her bcs they are doing it to me. She also said that the bestie is more of a follower of the ex-roommate, making them a toxic combo. But it doesn’t matter if she is a follower or not. They are still causing as much havoc as the ex-roommate is. 
     Basically, it looks like they pick people that are disabled, who they think can’t/won't fight back when they use/abuse them enough. They found the wing one with me. I’m very submissive and don’t stand up for myself when one on one. But when it comes to a cause, like refunds, or being jerked over by a company, or something I believe in, I will fight tooth and nail. And that is what is happening now. They messed with my family and my identity. 
     It’s messed up to bcs I was so willing to help the bestie out. When she moved out here, I wanted to be the one to be there for them. I wanted to show them things could be better. Not knowing what they had really done. Their ex said they believe they have done illegal things but don’t have all the details. Too bad, I would love them.
     But till next time.

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