July 25, 2023
WARNING- So today I will talk about literally the worse day of my life. The day hell came down and caused the biggest chaos anyone could ever have. I will give you a backstory as to why it got that far, you may agree with what I did, but you may not. That is up to you. But regardless of whether you do or not, what she did was inexcusable. There will be some GRAPHIC details. Not as graphic as she sent, but still. This is the day that caused us to have to go to court and do some other things. So here we go.
First off all of this is over, CATS! 1 that I was willing to let go, the other I was not… Here is why:
Aug/Sept ‘21 Marjorie was moving from 1 state to another but couldn’t take her cats bcs where she was moving; they were allergic to “haired” cats and only had sphinxes. So we agreed to “babysit” the youngest of her 2 (who is a Siamese boy), and the oldest (15 yr old girl) went to a friend of hers upstate. When she brought the cats from the one state they had harnesses on them, BOTH CATS… (Remember this towards the end). The whole drive up there was hell! Halfway up, I said we would just keep them both, but she insisted our friend would keep the oldest one, and there would be no issues. We did all the driving (no gas was offered as she was broke). She agreed to pay us $100 monthly for the 1 cat to watch him. We dropped the oldest off finally, still issues even when we got there, but we were told it should be fine, and we headed home. Within a day Violet came in to help her get a plane to go to the new state she was moving to.
TWO WEEKS LATER, I got a call that I have to go upstate and get the older cat now bcs her “friend” can no longer watch her -.-. Are you kidding me? Explain to me again why we didn’t just keep her in the first place when you knew in your heart this was going to happen. And yes she told us she had a bad feeling this was going to happen. So another hour or more drive up to get the cat and back. So we agreed to $150-200 a month. (I went with a safe bet of $150). I got my money in Sept. So I questioned her. I got lots of excuses like the Dom of Violet had her money, the Dom was supposed to send it, etc. Finally, I was asked how was the EXACT amount I spend on them in Sept, I said $98.76. The rest of the 150 was supposed to be for care. I got sent $98.76. -.- . And told that is all that the Dom was willing to send. ) I did talk to the Dom recently and found out facts but anyways). I Got nothing for Oct or Nov, and then she moved out of there end of Nov and in with us around Thanksgiving. Now comes Satan herself.
While she lived here I added pet care to her running tally every month … she said to add $250 bcs I did the food, clean up, liter, and overall care. The oldest lived/stayed downstairs. No matter what I tried to do to get her to go upstairs and be part of Majorie’s life again, it wouldn’t work. We used the excuse bcs my kid has a female cat that didn’t like her older female cat, so that is why she didn’t want to be upstairs. But deep down we know that is not true and ill explain that in a sec. Bcs her younger cat was fighting with our cats…. I BOUGHT him some of those shirts to calm him down and it worked. He started getting used to her again and would spend hours with her. Which I think is great she is supposed to have one for “therapy” reasons.
As the months go on, she spends more on weed than she does on bills, including the cats she claims are her “babies”. She barely works in the virtual world like she “Claimed” she does. She had all these dreams I bought into. I bought so much for a business that was never going to go anywhere. And she got all the resources from it. But constantly it was “I need” or “I want”. And I was stupid. I thought getting the weed would help with her pain, now I know it was just to get her “higher” and probably had nothing to do with her pains. If those were real. I’m not in here body so no one knows if they are. And what she is diagnosed with is the one thing that drs will diagnose people with when they can not find a root cause of the issue. SO truly now, I don’t know if anything she has said is true bcs she bragged about the fact she knew how to get her ex-bf on disability. So her mental and physical could or could not be real. But that isn’t what this is about, the fact is she said she was in pain so I believed it and got her more weed. Which put us deep down and I didn’t realize it. She would work some so she was giving me some money but I wasn’t keeping track like I had been.
At some point, I brought her downstairs so she could rekindle her relationship with the oldest but that didn’t work. Her oldest had picked me. All she could do was be on her computer and ignore the cat. Yet sat how much she loved her. She never even took a pic with her but she did with the youngest. She still barely worked. Her smoking weed wasn’t as bad, but now she has gotten into smoking nicotine. She blamed the nic on the blunts her ex would give her and said it was bc they had nic in them. Just another excuse. Talked me into getting nic cartridges. So we got some vapes, but I wouldn’t get nicotine ones I got no nic. She kept trying to convince Hubby and me that the 3mg nic would help me concentrate better again….. ummm. It was just one thing after another … trying this one then that one. Till she finally found one she wanted. So now she is addicted to nic and weed O,o
She knew things were getting bad and we needed help so she talked us into letting her friend move in. We could get her friend on as a caregiver for the kid or Hubby or even her, and that would be extra income. Bcs all 3 are on disability. Her friend came down, and I warned her friend about her randomness. But her friend told her and that caused a blowup from hell… so when she got back from her “vacation” (that she said was a business trip), she started looking for an apartment. By now the husband wants her out. So we take her to look at the apartment. It can’t be decided if the friend is moving with her or staying with us. Just a mess. Finally, it was decided she would move with her (big mistake).
They found an apartment. A one bedroom. Her friend paid part of the down payment, the rest of course came from us. And it was our name on the lease. Yes, we were fools but it was that or put them out on the streets bcs they already tried her mom's and brothers' names. From the beginning, Marjorie complained about her friend all the time. Her friend even got a job. So now things are about to get even worse. Bcs we have our own house and bills, and then their places all they have for income is what her friend is making in retail and her disability.
So I stupidly again agree to help move ANOTHER friend down here, which I explained how that went in the last blog. That cost me a lot. The amount of hotels/motels and food and bullshit was unreal. But I agreed to this bcs it's supposed to give them 3 people in the home. We even went to a 2 bedroom. (DUMB). Which was like 300-400 more. I was assured that bcs that Violet had a car they could do some grub hub and crap too for extra money. OMG I AM GULLIBLE.
So they move down here, and the tension in the 1 bedroom, till the 2 was ready, was insane! But they only have like a week to wait maybe 2. Finally, they get in the 2 bedrooms and of course, they put the first friend in the dining room (like in the 1 bedroom), Violet in the big room, and Marjorie in the smaller room. So now everyone is moved in and they still can’t quit bitching about their first friend. But the deal was we do the 2 bedroom bcs there were 3 of them. Well, she took Violet's dogs out and they went ballistic. And Marjorie threatened to hurt her and told her she needed to get out etc. so they gave her a week (but Marjorie gave her the weekend. She called her mom and got a ticket back home. I went there and got the monitor she was paying for (it was a 300$ monitor and they weren’t paying for anything else I knew they wouldn’t pay for that) and the computer she left behind. She took the added drive out of it which was smart. If I had known what was going to happen I would have taken more. Anyways,
It is now Sept. This is going to be bad. They both only have a disability how the hell are they going to pay anything? I kept asking Violet when was she going to start working and she kept saying something about insurance or some shit. All thru sept they did nothing but use my money bcs their money went to mostly weed. BTW I have ALL the records of every bill that was paid and every weed order I went to. Not ones they went to. Any money I was given etc. I even filed taxes on it ALL. So I have exact amounts. To the penny. Moving on.
Coming Oct, I just couldn't do it anymore we are becoming broke. No extra funds anywhere. So I told them NO MORE! Well, Marjorie wasn’t having that. God forbid I stop spending my money on her. She had not signed the paperwork to have me be her PAID caregiver. She had not done any of the required steps, neither had Violet. So I am not being paid to be the caregiver. The SSI money I am getting from them is not covering anything. And they keep wanting to spend on weed and more things. It was just too much at this point. Now keep this in mind. Mentally I have a lot of issues myself. At the time I was going to therapy every Thrus at 4p. She knew this. And every Thurs she would call me or text me with another issue, so I would go to therapy frazzled and having more issues. Or she would do it when I got home. But it was always on a Thurs. Without fail, this started in Sept and continued throughout Oct.
Oct 6 She was making my life hell bcs I paid rent but I would not buy any weed or pay for anything else. Told her starting in Nov I wasn’t even paying for rent. They would have to figure it out. She kicked the 3rd person out of the house. They needed to find a 3rd person and not use my money to get the 3rd person down here either. I was done. I had done enough. Oct 13, she sent me a message on Discord and told me she knew it was my therapy day and she was going to fuck up EVERY Thrus bcs I was a piece of crap in her eyes. And she didn’t care. She proceeded to call me mental, bash my diagnosis (bps, age regression mostly), and yet she claims to have BDP and other ones (I would be cruel to say she is faking but since she has bragged about knowing how to get on disability and that she “helped” her ex-boyfriend get on disability with things he didn’t have, has to make you wonder).
Then comes the fateful week starting Wend 19th. Violet called and said she was going to pick up the cats on Thurs. I said no. I have therapy on Thrus, Marjorie KNOWS THIS, and she has purposely screwed up every week to be vindictive. He asked why can’t come after. I said no. It’s Thurs, and it is the one day I refuse to deal with anything it can be done on Friday. So they called the cops on me, who told them it was a domestic dispute and Marjorie would have to sue in a Vivian case, this, of course, was after the cop called me. He wasn't very friendly and called the cats “property”. Then comes the hell of all hell day the 20th of Oct, Thurs. Before we were set to leave (kind of good they did it before bcs we had to call in bcs of this) I first get a call from Violet asking again to pick up the cats, I told her she could have the youngest but I was given the oldest bcs I had been caring for her and bcs we had a bond. That we had a deal as long as I gave her ashes, I was allowed to keep her. But that she could pick up the youngest tomorrow. Well, that set off a stream of events that would change everything.
Marjorie “went unhinged”. That is her favorite saying. She proceeded to call, text via phone, and text via Discord. On the phone, she went off saying she contacted every government agency and reported me for abuse, neglect, extortion, and fraud. Which btw she did call ASPCA and report my dog and her nails, contacted Adult Protection Services and told them Hubby was so disabled he couldn’t get out of bed, contacted the police and said that I committed credit card fraud bcs I put her name on my CC’s ( but she lost that one bcs it was my CCs she was only with user and she knew I had done it. I never opened an account in her name). She also claimed she never asked me to spend my money on her but I have tons of messages showing she did and where she said she would pay us back. She tried to say I extorted her and I never put her money where she told me to, but I have all the records of everything she spent and where she spent it. BTW she had a copy of ALL the records too so she knew how much she owed and where including the moves. She claims I abandoned her, but I guess that is bcs I stopped paying for her. But I'm sorry she is in her 30s and she is NOT my girlfriend when does she start owning up to her shit? She called me a horrible mother and caregiver and said everything was my fault. Claimed she has paper trails. LOL. Really? So do I since I have the bank statements, store receipts, etc. In this, she said one scary thing “If I can’t have her no one can”. She talked about having pics of my home? That’s funny, I also have pics of her room and what it looked like when she LEFT to go to her buddies for a “business” trip that wasn't a business trip but a way to waste more of my money. And then pics of what it looked like after I cleaned it. Yup still got them. Oh, keep in mind she never paid a cent for the animals but claimed she did. Never fed them, never gave them water, never did their litter boxes. Never did her room. I would have to go up there once a month to clean it. And I was NOT being paid to be a caregiver bcs she would NOT do the paperwork. She talked about how her EX therapist from over a year earlier knows I created her as a monster. That’s funny bcs anyone who knows her to date will tell you differently. It went on and on and on on text from there. But she didn’t stop. She hit the Voicemail next. On Vm it was simple she just said she will have a police officer escort her over to get the cats and she called APS and reported me for neglect, abuse, discrimination, extortion, and plain being a bitch. Her words are on my voicemail. So to get f over myself for life is to be hard and to give her her children. The next message was her telling me this was not funny. All this still is on Thurs btw. She blew up Discord with a lot of the same stuff. But what changed was when she got into the virtual world and used an alt to send me a message with graphic details
*warning graphic*
She said she was going to kill me and my family, feed us to our cats up to our eyes, then burn our house down.
*End* (ok you might not that that is "graphic" but some, including myself do.
To say the least, I saw that and called the cops and filed a report. She hit me up on even STEAM. Once the officer got in touch with me and I made copies of everything she told me to quickly block her. Bcs once you block all messages disappear. So I gyazo everything as quickly as I could so that I wouldn’t have to read anymore as she kept writing when I copied the last line I hit the block. When I did that she went and found bubbles on steam and told her she knew people in her area that she could have come to her place. So she did the same thing quickly blocked after getting the last message. It was like a race of the clock. She then posted on Facebook a lot of shit about us with our RL name and sent me a picture of it to my alts in the world thru her alt. She was relentless. Finally Sunday Violet came and just got both cats. I was done. Months later I got told the oldest is in bad shape but I'm not shocked. I’m sure I was told that to get more money from them. But I will never give them a dime. I will care for her if I own her. But she isn’t mine, so as far as I am concerned she is already dead. So in the court system right now she has terroristic threats misdemeanor 1 and harassment on her. She was given a plea deal that if she completes the charges will be dropped to just harassment misdemeanor 3 I think. It’s been since Jan that she was giving the deal, 3 months to complete, but every month since April there has been an extension. Found out in April they stole my identity in Jan, so fighting it now too.
They are the worse hell couple. Oh and did taxes in April. They officially owe me under USD 29k per IRS. This includes the eviction fees, electricity, cable, phone, the move, and the other bills. OF course, there is so much more, but that is the jist of the fateful day. She can tell people what she wants about me. I have the records of amounts, I have convos, i have all the proof i need. But most important, there is so many other people she has done this to, maybe not to this extreme and if she has to this extreme no one has tried to proscute her which is sad. The DA was glad I did BCS it will be on her record now. More people need to go after her and show her she cant abuse people like that. And she can not keep using her "mental" illnesses as excuses. I have them and i don't use them as an excuse to do harm. So if you know who I am talking about, feel free to contact me. :) And hell even if you don't and you have had something like this happen to you.
Till next time ....
1 comment
I'd stop these lies behind fake names, because you only look like a coward.
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